Steward - George Russell

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I'm starting to get back into the flow of writing one-shots and I'm thoroughly enjoying it haha. This one was requested by shestands, I really like this idea and I hope you will enjoy reading the one-shot.

On another note, I have a question for you guys. I have been writing these 3 one-shots in a different style than the one's I did in my previous book, to see whether it could work. I have been trying to avoid his or her when speaking of Y/n so you can fill in whatever you'd like, which has proven to be a challenge, but so far I think I've avoided it pretty well. 

Now my question for you guys is whether you enjoy this style, or favour my previous one over this one.

Y/n ran around the paddock wearing a smile that stretched from ear to ear. It was the first day of work where there would actually be something happening on track Y/n would have to look at. Y/n would be joining some other stewards in analysing some situations to decide whether or not to act upon them. Within the  FIA Y/n had been working up the ladder and was now positioned as a steward for the first time. The Australian Grand Prix would have been her first time if it had not been cancelled due to the Covid-19 pandemic.

Austria was luckily also one of the other races Y/n had been scheduled to be working. So, even though the official first race of the season was cancelled, the actual first race of the season would also be Y/n's debut. 

Nothing could get Y/n's smile to fade away. So when Y/n was walking around, talking to people, getting to know several members of different teams, the smile stayed. 

During the first free practice, Y/n was more focussed than ever before, not wanting to miss anything or make any mistake. Multiple times had been deleted as they exceeded the track limits. One of the other stewards had complemented Y/n on doing very well. 

In the break between the two practice sessions, Y/n wandered around the facilities. Not every part of the track was open for everyone, but wherever allowed, Y/n went. George was wandering around himself as well. He knew Y/n liked walking around the track. When still in go-carting George had dated Y/n, when he was fifteen, they broke up. He was happy to hear Y/n had made it to a steward and had his mind set on having a conversation. 

"Y/n!" George thought he had spotted Y/n twenty meters away. When the person he thought was Y/n turned around, he knew he had been right. 

"George!" Y/n excitedly said. "Nice practice session." They remained at safe distance due to the COVID-19 rules. 

"Thanks," George said, suddenly not sure of what he wanted to say to Y/n. "You became a steward, that's great. You always wanted a place in the sport." 

"Yeah, slowly going up the ranks, who knows where I might end up." George chuckled. Though he hadn't seen Y/n since their break-up, he still had a soft spot for the new steward.

"Who knows." There was an awkward silence. Neither wanted to stop talking, they just didn't know what to talk about. 

"What is going on here?" Lando Norris popped up into the conversation. "Ah, the new steward right? Is George already sucking up to you?" Y/n couldn't help but laugh as George rolled his eyes at the short Brit. The height difference was fifteen centimetres and therefore not to miss.

"Don't worry mate, I'm just chatting to-" George stopped talking, uncertain to how to call Y/n best. 

"Friend." Y/n smiled. "I would shake your hand, but I'm afraid we both get locked up if we do. I'm Y/n." Lando laughed. 

"Lando. Either way-" Lando was now wiggling his eyebrows at George who started blushing instantly. "I was on my way to something very important, so I'll be leaving you two to it now."

"Mate!" George yelled in an attempt to stop Lando from falsely throwing around rumours, but the short Brit didn't want to hear it and continued walking. 

"Don't worry about it George, you've been in the rumour mill longer than just now." Y/n winked and George shook his head. 

"Don't get me started." His heart skipped a beat however when he realised that Y/n must have kept up to date with his career at least. "I should probably head back, but it was really nice seeing you again after all these years. Do you want to grab something to eat maybe in the near future?"

"Maybe we can eat something at your hotel? I don't think they'll be very happy with us going out for something to eat." George nodded. 

"We'll be within hearing distance of everyone, guys like Lando included." 

"So?" Y/n asked. "It's not like us having dinner together is such a big secret. Besides, if we were still friends we would have done it, right?" 

"I forgot how annoying it can be when you are right." George teased. "And I'm very glad you're so far away because I'm pretty sure you would have either hit me over the head right now or jabbed your elbow in my ribs." Y/n laughed. He hadn't changed a bit.

"I'll see you tonight." Y/n turned around, sending a wink in George's direction. "Seven?"

"Seven is fine. Hotel lobby." They parted ways and Y/n went back to talk with the other stewards about the job they had to do. Were things going well, were there extra measurements necessary or was everything going smoothly?

It was already six o'clock when Y/n closed the door to her room and could get dressed. Y/n chose for a simple, casual outfit that accentuated her y/e/c. Within twenty minutes Y/n was dressed and freshened up. The time left was spent scrolling through several social media and reading articles about George. Though not wanting to admit it, Y/n had always paid very close attention to George's career and personal life and it had hurt when he started to date Seychelle de Vries, the sister of Nyck de Vries. Y/n knew they had broken up and though sad for him, seeing him on the track that day had made her heart race. 

Ten minutes before meeting George, Y/n walked down the stairs to the lobby. George was already there, apparently with the same idea as Y/n: 'better be early than too late'. 

"Hey." Y/n said, still keeping at the safe distance, though wanting to hug him. 

"Shall we go?" George had dressed up in a dark pair of jeans and a white button-up with his hair styled to perfection. He mentioned to the restaurant with a smile tugging on his lips. Y/n had grown up to become a stunning adult. It didn't surprise him, as Y/n had been beautiful as a teenager as well, but Y/n's beauty took his breath away now. They found a table in the corner of the hotel restaurant and sat down, talking about all which had happened over the seven years they hadn't seen each other. 

They joked around and somewhere during the night, Y/n was convinced everyone was looking at them, wondering if they were in a relationship. The way they acted made it certainly seem like they were, the distance between them the only sign they were not. It was like they never broke up in the first place.

"Why did we break up all those years back?" George asked when the clock struck ten, he had realised they had clicked just as well as they had when they were teenagers. 

"You were gone more than you were home. We were fifteen and unable to overseeing a long-distance relationship like that. Or even a friendship apparently." Y/n answered. Breaking up had been hard but mutual and Y/n had never looked back on her time with George with a feeling of regret. Most of the best moments of Y/n's years as a teenager had been when George was at Y/n's side. 

"It's a shame." George blatantly admitted and Y/n nodded. "You know, we could see if we can get what we had." Y/n's throat felt like it was closing as George spoke those words. The words had crossed Y/n's mind as well. 

"We could..." The words came out hesitantly, Y/n thinking very hard of what to say that wouldn't sound crazy. George knew Y/n well enough still to know what thoughts were swarming around in Y/n's mind at that moment, so he stood up and waited for Y/n to follow his actions. A broad smile spread across Y/n's face as they walked towards the exit of the restaurant and towards the elevator. The elevator took them to George's floor and as soon as the doors to his room closed, they discarded the safety distance and let their lips crash together. The only thing Y/n regretted about the relationship she had with George was ending it.

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