bread - Sebastian Vettel

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This one was requested by the lovely VettelFerrari I hope you will enjoy it. 

Thank you so much for all your sweet messages, encouraging words and above all requests. I have been getting so many and there are some really interesting ones in there!

To make sure I will be able to maintain in control of what I have to do I will close the requests for now. As soon as I am (almost) through them all, I will open them again, but I already have almost twenty requests, so I think I'll be good for a while haha. Either way, thank you so much for all the lovely ideas!

For the ones who also read my books (No matter what, obstacles, custody and WhatsApp, I will resume writing them. I don't know what my schedule for them will be like yet, or if I will continue them all at once again or if I might finish them one by one, but I will do my very best to finish what I've started. It might not be the original idea I had, it might not be the length I had originally wanted due to a lack of inspiration for the story, but I will continue them. 

In the meantime, I am working on a new story behind the scenes. I took the inspiration of OFFTH3MARK to write a book where the protagonist is a driver and now I'm writing it, I realise how hard it is, so a lot of respect for her (and whoever else was brave enough to publish a book with a driver as the protagonist). 

I hope you will continue to like my one-shots!

In Sebastian's opinion, nothing was better than to be with family at home, secluded from press, rumours, races and stress. Everything was quiet for the first time since Y/n and Sebastian had met and gotten into a relationship. Sebastian was always busy with his racing career and though Y/n loved him and had no trouble in accepting his busy lifestyle whatsoever. However, it was a delight to spend some time with just him. For the first time, he had enough peace and quiet to take you to his home without having to leave the next day. He had never wanted to spend one day there and then have to take Y/n away again, so Y/n had never been to his house before. 

It was a beautiful house, slightly larger than someone with a somewhat more normal profession would have, but nothing too extravagant. It was located in a clearing in a wood. There was a large driveway where Sebastian could park the cars when they weren't safely in the garage and a relatively large back garden. 

The first thing Y/n had noticed upon walking into the garden, was the chicken coop in the back. Several chickens were contently walking around eating seeds and grain from off the ground. Y/n had chuckled. 

"I hadn't seen you as a big chicken lover." Y/n had said and Sebastian rolled his eyes playfully. 

"Well, the chickens are fine. Not that much of a lover, however, I do love the eggs." Every morning, Sebastian would walk to the coop to check if the chickens had laid any eggs. 

After looking out over the garden, Sebastian showed Y/n around the house they would stay in until Sebastian would return to work. 


"What are you up to?" Y/n asked when she walked into the kitchen to see Sebastian rummaging around looking for something. 

"I was going to bake some bread, but I can't find the gist." Y/n pulled open one of the cupboards and pulled out the gist. Though Y/n had only been living in Sebastian's house for a couple of weeks, she seemed to know where everything was in the kitchen better than Sebastian himself. Which was strange considering Sebastian spent more time in the kitchen than Y/n. However, Sebastian wasn't the best in looking before screaming, in other words, most of the times he was just too lazy to look properly. 

"I think you might have been looking with your nose, liebe." Y/n kissed him and then left the kitchen again, leaving Sebastian to his newly found hobby. Somewhere during the corona pandemic, he had decided to start baking all kinds of things since the nearby bakery had to close its doors for the time being. 

"Y/n, do you want some Provencal herbs in there or just a plain white bread?" 

"Provencal!" Y/n yelled back. She liked Sebastian's plain white bread, but she definitely appreciated his try-outs, as he called them, as well. He had made several types of bread already and that morning he had seen some recipes that included Provencal herbs, which had given him the reason for yet another bread. 

Y/n strolled outside, sitting down on a bench Sebastian had also made in the time of lock-down. The sun was shining brightly and made the temperature a comfortable 25 degrees. A soft breeze rustled through the leaves, making a calming sound. Y/n closed her eyes. This was quite possibly the best way of living. Peace, quiet and a lot of time alone with Sebastian. 

Y/n sat there for about fifteen minutes until the chickens started cackling. Sebastian had walked into the chicken coop to see if there were any eggs. He came walking out five minutes later, holding five eggs. He returned into the house where he continued on breakfast before walking out an hour later. Y/n had been reading in the time Sebastian had finished breakfast and looked up when Sebastian was done preparing breakfast. 

He had laid a blanket on the grass, littering it with all kinds of things to make for a perfect summer's day breakfast. He had his freshly baked bread, several kinds of cheese, jams, fruits, freshly pressed orange juice, milk and some other spreads and crackers. 

 "Sebastian, I have to admit, this is amazing." Y/n took a picture of the picnic in front of them and put it on Instagram with the caption: 'Breakfast the way I like it.'

Where Sebastian tended to stay away from social media, Y/n had decided to make an Instagram account. It gave the fans a chance to get a glimpse in the life of Sebastian. Something Y/n had been very curious of before meeting Sebastian. This way, others wouldn't have to guess about everything in Sebastian's life. Besides, everyone was allowed to know how sweet Sebastian was and maybe even more important: he wasn't available anymore. He was Y/n's.

Y/n then looked at Sebastian again, who as wearing a loving smile on his face. Y/n instantly started to smile as well and savoured the moment. His eyes were so blue, it Y/n wondered if there was anyone who had more beautiful eyes. 

"I love you." Y/n blurted out and Sebastian chuckled. 

"I love you too." They looked at each other in the eye a few moments longer before Sebastian mentioned they should try the bread while it was still warm and fresh. 

"Goodness gracious, Seb, this is amazing." Y/n moaned as she took another bite of the Provincal bread with cheese. "It is a bit savoury, but I love it. You should make it when we barbecue or something, as a side dish." As things in the world started to get better, the rules started to get less restricting and Y/n and Sebastian hoped to give a small barbecue party with some close friends and some family in the near future. 

"Good, now I-" Suddenly one of the chickens shrieked loudly, making the head's of the couple whip around in the direction of the chicken coop, only to see the chickens calmly eating. They were crazy animals for sure and Y/n and Sebastian laughed. It hadn't been the first time for the chickens to shriek in the weeks they had been there and it certainly wouldn't be the last. 

Okay, I didn't want to put this with the serious stuff, because this is going to be a full-on rant haha. 

Oh my goodness yes. It's finally happening again. I had so much fun watching f1 and 2 again and I immediately remembered why I love the sport this much again. It also gave me, together with all your sweet messages, a huge motivational boost to write again. 

And F2, like all my darling drivers, they did so well (don't even get me started on who they are, we might be here until we've had a large portion of them because they are all just that amazing haha). 

I won't say too much because if I keep going I'm afraid my rant will be longer than the one-shot in itself haha. 


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