Subtle Merch ~ Max Verstappen

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Y/n is his girlfriend and you go to watch your first race which is your home race: the British Grand Prix. 

Requested by Littlemissunnoticed, I hope you like it <3

Silverstone had always been Y/n's favourite track but Y/n's love for the track had only grown when she moved closer, no longer a two-hour drive away. Y/n had made the thirty-minute drive once, to watch a Formula Four race but that was the only time Y/n had been there. And that was surprising for how much Y/n loved racing. 

But that was going to change now. For the first time, Y/n was going to a Formula One race. She was so excited that the moment she found out she was going, she browsed the internet to get some inconspicuous merch. 

After all, Y/n wouldn't just be going to a race, she would be walking around as Max Verstappen's girlfriend — a three times world champion. Y/n was confident enough in both Max's capabilities and the reliability of the Red Bull to say Max had that third championship in the bag. 

But that was also why Y/n didn't want to go full Red Bull fan, so Y/n bought some fan-made merchandise. The piece Y/n loved most was the custom-painted jean jacket. The picture of a Red Bull driving around Zandvoort was so impressive, but because it was a jean jacket easy to combine with all kinds of outfits, meaning Y/n could wear it the entire weekend if the weather wasn't going to be too hot. 

"Y/n, we really have to go." Max walked into the bathroom where Y/n was just applying some lipgloss to finish her look. 

"How do I look?"

Max smiled, taking Y/n in from top to bottom. "Amazing. I just have one thing to add." Max got a golden necklace from the pocket of his jeans. The charm was a small rectangle with 'MV1' engraved in delicate writing. "When I noticed you were going for subtle fan, I knew I needed to get you this."

Y/n threw her arms around Max's neck. "Thank you so much." She let go of him again so he could place the necklace around her neck. His fingers gently brushed away her hair before closing the claps. He pressed a soft kiss on her shoulder. "We should really go now."

"Then what are we waiting for?" Max and Y/n left the house and drove to the track. 

"Can you get the paddock passes? I put them in the glove compartment." 

Y/n nodded and opened the glove compartment, the paddock passes weren't hard to find as the sun reflected off them. Y/n ran her fingers over the shiny surface as she held them in her hand. 

"Don't worry, you aren't dreaming." Max grinned and placed his hand on Y/n's thigh. He knew how happy she was to finally attend a formula one race at her favourite track even more so because she was getting the whole Red Bull experience. 

Together, Max and Y/n walked to the entrance of the paddock, where Y/n squealed as the entrance gates chimed. "This is amazing."

"You are like a child."

"I'm sorry, I'll act my age from now on." Y/n playfully crossed her arms. 

"no," Max put his arm around Y/n. "Be yourself. It is the you I fell in love with, not the grown-up version of you."

Y/n playfully hit Max across the chest. 

The Red Bull facility was only a short walk, but Max had to go through one f the fanzines, taking pictures with several fans and giving away even more autographs. 

Y/n smiled at the sight. She'd always thought she would be on that side of the fence, asking for even a second of a driver's attention, when she would first attend a Grand Prix. In fact, she had never expected to ever be on this side of the fence.

When past the fanzine, they made a beeline for the Red Bull hospitality. Max introduced Y/n to some team members and then smiled sadly. "I wish I could show you more of the paddock, but I don't have the time I'm afraid. So I have asked the team to look after you. Olivia volunteered to show you around. She is a retired employee, but she still visits every British Grand Prix as a special guest. She was with Red Bull from their first race on."

"Don't worry, Max, I'll be fine." Y/n smiled and cupped Max's cheeks as he finally stopped talking. "Thank you for looking out for me though. Now-" Y/n dropped her hands  and started to look around the hospitality. "introduce me to Olivia so I can get out of your hair."

An elderly lady stood up from the table beside Max and Y/n. "He won't have to. It is lovely to meet you Y/n."

"It is lovely to meet you too. You've been here for both rises of Red Bull, huh?" 

Olivia started to tell Y/n about everything that had happened over the years, leaving Max to do his own thing without having to worry about Y/n.

Olivia talked Y/n through the free practices and together, they nervously watched qualifying, in which Max unsurprisingly got the pole position. During the session, Max had watched Y/n from his car, a smile on his lips. Y/n looked in their element, entirely in their place. Y/n got along with the entire team, hung at their lips for all their stories and the team loved Y/n in return. They were excited to tell her about everything, so they did— especially the funny and embarrassing stories about Max. 

Come Sunday, even the fans were excited to see Y/n and asked for pictures. One fan had even made Y/n a bracelet with Y/n's and Max's name, the beads in Red Bull's blue, red and yellow. 

"Because I saw you like subtle merch." 

Y/n had pouted, warmed by the sweet gesture of a fan Y/n didn't even know. "That is way too sweet, I love it." Y/n took the bracelet and put it on their wrist. "Here." Y/n took a different bracelet off her wrist and handed it to the fan. "Take this in return." Y/n gave one final smile and then caught up to Max who had walked ahead. 

"It seems like you were made for this life." Max placed an arm around Y/n's shoulders. "Everyone seems to have become a bigger fan of you than they are of me."

"Impossible, you are the direr. It's not like I'm of any significance like the WAGS back in the day. All I have to do is be your personal cheerleader."

"And yet you are so much more than that." 

Y/n blushed. "But I'm not doing anything, I'm just being me."

"Exactly, you are real, kind, loving and caring. You make connections with everyone you meet." Max ran a hand through his hair. "To be fair, you are good at everything I..." He trailed off. "Well, at everything I lack skills sometimes."

"Well, it's a good thing you have me to complete you then."

Max laughed. "It is. It is the best thing that has ever happened to me."

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