Killer - Lando Norris

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Here it is! The first one-shot of the book! The next one-shots will be your requests! They are still open for now and can be placed in the first chapter of the book!

Even before the corona pandemic, Lando was a frequent gamer. He loved spending his time behind his simulator and he maybe even loved it more now it was his only way of gaming with his girlfriend, Y/n. 

In Lando's opinion, not racing wasn't even the worst part of the lock-up which was happening all around the globe. It wasn't life suddenly being entirely different, it wasn't having to make sure you stayed clear of other people to prevent getting sick, it was not having Y/n with him. She had been at home, out of England, at the time the pandemic started and countries started to close their borders. 

After talking hours and hours over the phone, Lando and Y/n decided that it was maybe better for Y/n to stay with her parents. They both knew it would be a while before they saw each other again, but they knew they could handle it. 

Lando was streaming another of his gaming sessions on Twitch and while he was waiting for the game to load, he read some comments. 

"Why don't you game with Y/n anymore?" He read and he let out a sad chuckle. Even when he thought he could forget that Y/n wouldn't come bursting through the doors in a second, people tended to remind him that Y/n wasn't there with him in Britain. "Y/n is currently still out of the country at her parent's place. She was there when the pandemic started and hasn't returned home yet. We haven't seen the right opportunity to get her on a plane yet." Lando explained and then noticed the game was ready to start so took the opportunity to focus on that.

It was a couple of minutes later when he decided to watch another few comments. 

"Could Y/n join one of your sessions in the foreseeable future?" Even though trying to avoid comments about Y/n, he accidentally kept reading them. "I could ask if Y/n is willing to do that, but Y/n doesn't have a gaming set-up as we have here, but I'm sure we can figure something out and you'll get to see Y/n battling me again soon." 

It was usual for Y/n and Lando to fight each other in whatever game they were playing. Just like Lando, Y/n liked gaming a lot as well. Hours and hours the two had spent behind their simulators, computer and other gaming devices, playing game after game while laughing at each other's less smart moves. 

Y/n was watching the very Twitch stream at that moment and decided to comment. 

Y/n: I would love to do that some time Lan, but I do need my stuff for it...

Lando's eyes lit up when he saw Y/n's message passing by. He knew Y/n sometimes watched them, so he always kept an eye out for Y'n's username. 

"Well, Y/n says it will happen sometime, but we'll have to see when we can get together to... Well not together obviously, since we're apart, but when we can find the right arrangements to be able to do a stream together." 

Y/n: That might be sooner than you think.

Lando didn't see the message as his car got shoved off the track by some other player and he let a curse slip past his lips. He focussed on getting the person back and zoned out all the other stimuli around him. 

Because of that, he didn't hear the car stopping in front of the house. He didn't hear a key jangling as someone was looking for the right key. He didn't hear the door open and he didn't hear someone walking up the stairs. 

Y/n was reading the comments as people started to speculate on all kinds of things.

'Y/n is going back to Britain! They'll be reunited!'

'She's just having her equipment shipped over.'

'We'll finally have our Y/n and Lando streams back, I do have to say those are my favourite.'

'Are those female shoes in the background?'

'Is there someone standing behind Lando?'

'Is someone going to kill him?!'

'Oh my goodness, is that Y/n?!'

'Okay, so it's one out of two: it's either Y/n and we're going to cry or it is a killer and we're going to cry.'

Y/n had to refrain from chuckling as she read the comments. People could be so attentive. Y/n didn't even notice it. 

'Whoever it is just set a step back, he or she is onto us!'

'So it was a killer!'

'Or it is Y/n who is trying not to ruin the surprise.'

'Oh my goodness, this is going to be adorable!'

'Y/n is going to surprise Lando by being home!'

'Okay, I don't care I have to work in a bit, I'm staying so I can see this happening.'

'I need a Y/n and Lando reunion.'

Lando finished the race and looked at all the comments. He frowned as he read them, people going all out about him and Y/n and a reunion they were talking about. Maybe Y/n had said something that had put them into such a frenzy. 

"For the love of God, Lando, look behind you!" Lando read, the frown becoming even more prominent. "Why on earth would I have to-" As Lando wondered out loud why he would have to look back, he turned to look over his shoulder and looked straight into Y/n's eyes. "Y/n!" He exclaimed as he clumsily got out of the seat. "What on earth are you doing here?!" He asked as he engulfed Y/n in a tight hug. 

"I thought it was time to come home. I couldn't miss you any longer." Lando pulled out of the hug to smash his lips onto Y/n's.

"It was damn time." He agreed between kisses. "Just so you know, you're not going anywhere any time soon. This isn't happening to us again."

"I was planning on it." Y/n joked. "But for you, I'll stay. I'll stay as long as you'd like." Lando laughed and shook his head. 

"As if you had a choice as to leave or not." 

"I guess not." 

'Oh my goodness, it happened. We had our reunion!'

'Gosh, I love them so much!'

'I want a guy like Lando!'

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