Special Chapter 2

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Augustin opened the door to my study with a grin on his face.

"I've written to Elias and Olive about your engagement, Eugene! They are sad they can't be there in person but have written that they give you and Miss Shuyan their blessings!"

The door widened a bit and Valentin appeared. Standing there, side by side, they did indeed look like mirror images of one another.

"Their penmanship is good, and their grammar and vocabulary are flawless. Sending them to school was a good idea after all," he commented.

"You're doing fine yourself, Valentin," I said. Valentin smiled.

"It's thanks to the tutor."

"But listen to this," Augustin said, "recently I've discovered that Valentin is exchanging letters with a certain someone!"

"Augustin!" Valentin shouted. His twin laughed.

"Don't worry, don't worry, I've never peeked at your letters." Valentin glared at him and then gave a hefty sigh. "Anyways, shall I read you the letters, Eugene?"

"Yes, please do."

Augustin pulled out a creamy sheet of paper and began to read from it.

"Dear Mother and brothers,

it is unfortunate I cannot be there now. I'm sure it is festive there with the return of Miss Shuyan and Eugene's engagement. Spring is also a wonderful season for marriage. It's a pity my school ends in a month, or I would've liked to see the wedding. My only consolation is that Olive is here with me.

As always, both of us are doing very good. Olive has recently been learning the violin. His teacher says he is good at it, and I listened to his practice once, too. I also think he is good for his age. For Christmas this year, a violin would make for a good present.

Olive has several friends and plays with them when he is free, so you don't have to worry. I have friends too, so there is no need to worry about me either.
As for grades, I got good marks in both Literature and Arithmetic, but for History and French I'm not doing as well. I will study harder and report to you how my grades are again next time.

Sincerely, Elias Beardsley."

Augustin looked up at me. "How's that?"

"Sounds like everything is going fine," Valentin said, smiling to himself.

"Yes, he's grown up to be a fine man."

"Next is Olive." Augustin pulled out another letter.

"Dear family,

I heard about the news. I am very glad to hear Eugene will be getting married and I hope Eugene will be happy. If you can, take a photograph of it and send it to Elias and I.

I am doing very good in school. I have started to learn the violin. Music is a wonderful thing. I will play "Ode to Joy" by Beethoven to you one day.

Elias is also doing good in school. He teaches me some subjects, but not French. He is bad at that, but he has recently made some friends to teach him. I'm glad for that, so I will try and be less dependent on him.

When summer comes, can we have another tea party and may I invite some friends over? I made some wonderful friends and I want to thank them.
Keep writing letters. I send my love to you.

Olive Beardsley."

Augustin laughed. "They both wrote about each other! Isn't that wonderful!"

"And they both cared that the other had friends. I'm glad," I mused.

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