Chapter 27- Emozioni

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"Its not hard to believe, chill out." I say and he shakes his head.

"You're going to get blue balls." He tells me and roll my eyes but focus on the road.

"No but seriously how do you know?" Gio asks.

"Think about it she never did it before she was sixteen because she didn't have a boyfriend. Then once Alannah was born she had no social life up until now with us. So unless she lost it to James which is just weird then shes still a virgin." I say and he shrugs.

I do not want to think about Lara losing her virginity to James. He's her best friend and I wouldn't be able to separate them. It would just be so weird. He's going to be with her later and she's my girlfriend not his.

"How is Alannah and Lara today anyway?" Gio asks going on his phone.

"They're good, Alannah cried when I left this morning." I tell him and he aw's in response.

"You guys are all extremely close." Gio points out and I nod.

"I'm really glad dominic bumped into them because I really like them." I admit and Gio laughs.

"You're  getting soppy." Gio says and I roll my eyes.

We get to my aunties house around 5pm. Their house is a smaller then ours but who cares. My mom's side of the family have rich heritage.

The only person from my moms side of the family who doesnt act like a rich snob is my mom.

I get out of my car and Gio gets our luggage out of the trunk. I walk over to the door where our parents are.

My auntie greets us and we go into the foyer.

"Is that really you Jax?" Auntie v asks and I nod.

"Wow I really haven't seen you for years." She says bringing me into a tight hug.

What is it with people bringing me into tight hugs today? I hate it.

"I'm a busy person." I say.

When in reality me and my dad always get out of coming here because we hate it so much. The last time I came here, I was probably eighteen and it was for my cousins birthday.

We take our things up to our rooms. Once I get into the guest room I'll be staying in I flop down on the bed and text Lara.

About five minutes after texting her I facetime Alannah.

"Look at my drawing." She says showing me a photo.

"Woah what is it?" I ask. It's very bright.

"Its us at the carnival last week. Look that's me." She says pointing to what I assume to be her. "That's you and mommy." She says pointing to something else. "Then there's Gio." She adds smiling.

Gio walks in at that exact time and says that it looks wonderful.

"Do you miss me yet Jax?" She asks whilst colouring.

Lara's phone was leaning against a glass so that it could stand up without Alannah holding it.

"Of course I miss you." I say and she giggles.

"I miss you too." She says. And I smile. She is adorable, the cutest ever.

"Where's my favourite girls?" Someone shouts.

"James!" You can hear Lara shouting.

They're my favourite girls but we won't get into that right now.

"Why don't you go and see James?" I ask Alannah and she looks down at the floor then  back to the phone.

"I'm sat on a stool and I can't get down." She admits and continues to draw.

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