(backing up): Well... Actually... I think Bai Ze is right on this...

I pout but back off immediately as another idea forms in my head, "Okay...".

(raising an eye): Why'd you back off so quickly???

Me (smirking): Well... If you don't bring me, I'll just follow you there... No biggy...

Bai Ze (snorting): You really think you could keep up with us?? Why don't you run along back to your mommy...

Me (ooh that struck a chord): You wanna try me, punk??!!!

Bai Ze (coming face to face again): You won't be able to handle...

(having enough): Alright, both of you stop with this childishness!!!

Bai Ze/ Me: She/he started it!!! (Glaring at each other)

Lì: STOP!!! Let's just go... And you (pointing at me (causing me to pout again)) stay...

Bai Ze: But master... We can't just go like that... What if your enemies are there and they recognize us??? If they know we are after any valuable treasures, they will try to nab it before us...

(sighing): Well... It's not like I can become a completely different person, right??

Me (thinking before smirking): I might be able to help you with that...

Bai Ze (snorting (he sure snorts a lot, like a pig)): You??? (With a criticizing look) what can you do???

Me: Hey, it ain't me who needs a solution... Believe it if you want. And it's not like I gain anything from lying to you... But if I do solve your problem, then you have to take me along...

(thinking): Alright... I agree... If you can turn me into a completely different person, I'll take you along.

Bai Ze (shocked): Master... You can't be ser...??

(interrupting him): However if you can't, then you have to promise not to follow behind...

Bai Ze (snorting): How do we even know if she will keep her word???

Me (nodding my head): I promise... I am a ma... woman of my word... But there are a few things I'm going to need from you...

Bai Ze (annoyed): Like what???

Me (smirking): Well, you to leave for one...

Bai Ze (immediately): I'm not going to leave my master with you... Who knows what witchcraft you used on him to make him comply with you so far...

Me (rolling my eyes): Ohh, relax... It's just that my methods are secret and no one else knows how to use them... You can wait outside for me to make your mouth drop with the result... As for the other thing, I need Lì to be blindfolded. As I said, you cannot see my methods. How much time do I have???

Bai Ze: About an hour or two at most...

Me (thinking about all the things I'd need to do): Okay, I should have enough time... I need you to get me a towel, two buckets of lukewarm water, a stool...

Bai Ze (suspiciously): Why???

Me (looking Lì up and down): To change his hair color... I think he'd look good in black hair, do you??? We'll make it straight; maybe just adjust the bangs in the front. He'd look good right???

Reincarnation to the PastTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon