Amber wondered exactly how much she had heard. She had to have expected her to show up since she always did at the most inconvenient times.

Since Eva couldn't answer, Amber finally spoke up. "Oh, uh...hello mistress." She couldn't think of anything else to say. What if she had just destroyed their last hope to fix Eva?!

Luna smirked at her and rested a hand on her hip. "I asked you a question."

Amber blinked and glanced at Eva, whose eyes were wider than normal.

" one. I just...nobody," Amber stuttered.

Luna's eyes narrowed. "Have you not yet learned not to lie to me, Amber?"

Amber swallowed. "I...I have, but we weren't talking about anyone in particular."

"I don't think you've learned yet. Maybe I should remind you," the woman suggested.

Amber glanced at Eva who was writing on the pad. The girl glanced at Luna before revealing the message to Amber: 'Just tell her.'

Amber looked over at Luna, who she knew hadn't seen the writing. "We were talking about you," Amber told her truthfully. "I won't let you hurt her anymore than you already have," she stated.

Luna raised her eyebrows. "Oh? You're going to stop me?" She asked in an intimidating voice as she strolled over to the two girls.

"Uh..." Amber nervously muttered. She cowered down closer to the floor as Luna continued making her way over. Amber didn't think she was going to ever stop walking, but she finally did once she was towering over Amber. Amber was half lying down under her and the woman was glancing between her and Eva.

She suddenly caught Luna's hand which was traveling up Eva. She had started on her covered stomach and was trailing her way up to her face. Luna's eyes were held firmly on Amber, and Amber was beginning to regret testing her.

"So you're telling me you're going to stop me if I..." Luna asked but trailed off as she was no longer looking at Amber.

Amber followed her eyes to Eva. Luna's hand was gently resting on her lips, and Amber could tell it was taking all of Eva's strength not to budge. The girl always accepted what the dominates did to her. She was practically squirming under Luna's hand although she wasn't even hurting her yet.

"Do this?" Luna finally finished her sentence. Amber glanced at Luna, but the woman's eyes were still locked down on Eva. She watched in awe as the top of all Luna's fingers began to push down on Eva's lips. The girl now was officially squirming and her eyes were squeezed shut in obvious pain.

Amber heard Luna chuckle from above her and she looked up at her. The woman softly smiled down at her with red eyes. "Go ahead, stop me, Amber."

Amber glanced back and forth between Luna and Eva. Eva was crying now, although her eyes were still shut. Small blood droplets had began to stream out from under Luna's hand.

Amber was cringing at the sight but was too scared to stop her. She just couldn't. She knew the woman would do awful things to her even if she did, and even if she had told her to stop her. She just couldn't get herself to move at all. The scene and obvious pain was just too much.

"Mistress, stop. Mistress, please..." she softly pleaded as her own eyes filled with tears.

Eva's green eyes were popped open and they danced between Amber and Luna. She watched as the poor girl clutched at the couch in pain and whimpered from behind the stitches.

"You want me to do what?" Luna asked.


Luna let out a harsh laugh and Amber sat and witnessed more blood dripping from Eva's lips. "Why don't you make me?"

Amber immediately reached up and clutched Luna's outstretched arm which was pressing against the girl. Luna raised her eyebrows at Amber, but Amber could only hold onto the arm. For some reason, she just couldn't find the bravery to push it away. Her friend was in massive pain, but yet she couldn't save her.

"You're pathetic, Amber," Luna whispered from above her.

At the sound of another of Eva's whimpers, she dug her fingernails into Luna's arm. She watched as her mistress flinched, but didn't move. Amber growled at her and pushed her fingernails even further into her skin.

"Let her go," she lowly demanded. She knew Luna was most likely bleeding from under her shirt, but the woman didn't show much signs of pain. She only chewed on her bottom lip.

After a long moment, Luna's hand was finally off Eva. Amber immediately let her arm go so she could inspect her friend. She got back up fully on her knees and leaned over the couch.

Blood soaked Eva's lips and her cheeks and eyes were stained with tears. "Eva..."

"Leave us, Eva," Luna suddenly commanded, infuriating Amber.

"No!" She yelled, and was about to say more until Luna cut her off.

"Shut up, Amber," she bluntly said.

Amber blinked as Eva gently lifted herself off the couch. She grabbed the blanket which had wrapped around her body after standing. She held a stare with Amber before walking the other direction. Amber watched as she headed towards Luna, who had taken multiple steps back. Once reaching her, Eva bowed down to Luna. Luna smirked at her then Eva disappeared from around the corner.

Amber wondered why Eva continued to respect Luna after all the pain she caused her all the time, but then realized she had other things to worry about when Luna made her way towards her.

She squat down in front of Amber and smiled. "I'm actually a tad shocked by your bravery."

When Amber stayed silent, Luna leaned in and before Amber knew it, their lips were connected. No, no, no! She couldn't let this happen. She had a girlfriend now, and planned on staying completely truthful to her.

Amber squirmed her way out of the kiss, and tried to stand, but was pushed back down by hard hands.

"When I kiss you, you will kiss me back," Luna growled and once more shoved her lips on Amber's.

Amber whined against her lips and shivered once Luna's hand was cupped around one of her breasts. Her plan of staying completely loyal to Hailey failed her as Luna rolled her onto the couch and took advantage of her slave.

Tormented Mistress ( Book One )Where stories live. Discover now