Chapter 20: Villain?

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Hello guys! It's been awhile! I'm sorry that I have been absent for a long time. Many unexpected things occured in my personal life and I really didn't have time to finish a chapter.

However, now that I am back, I'll do my best to keep updating regularly every week with at least one!

I'm sorry again for the wait but without further ado, here's the next chapter!

Waluigi POV

"Sorry but a man's gotta do what a man's gotta do."

After witnessing those kids beat up those guys with ease, it got me thinking.

It's a dog eat dog world out there. There is no room for the weak.

I'm weak.

It sucks but it's true. It's damn true.

I wasn't much help during those fights. I was simply a third wheel.

No. Just one of those plenty, useless fish in the sea.

No that's not it.

I'm a useless piece of shit...

I really need to get my hands of that amplification drug. I need to get stronger!
I just can't take this anymore.

I'm tired of being looked down upon. I'm tired of being made fun of for who I am!

When is it my time to shine?!

During the fight with that bald brute and when the whole front of the building collapsed, I tripped. My good for nothing legs gave up on me when I needed it most!

I was completely caught in the rubble and at first I thought I succumbed to it. I thought I was dead. That was until I realized I could open one eye.

Despite the injuries done to my body, I managed to crawl out of the mess. While crawling I saw what looked like a door just stickin' out of the floor.

I already knew what was down there. After all, this is where you get your fix.

The only problem was that I knew that there was so many tunnels that it would be easy to get lost.

I also was down on all fours, blood covering the area around me where I crawled. I also had the occasional blood dripping near my eyes.

It was suicide to go down there in that deep, dark place. I'm already beaten to a pulp. At first I was just gonna get out of all that rubble and go find those kids.

But that's when I realized. Some are more fortunate than others.

I looked around and I saw no one there.

They must've escaped in time!

Lucky Bastards.

I swear, some people have all the luck in the world.

With anger coursing through my veins, I pounded the ground and staggered to my feet. With each agonizing step, I forced myself down the hatch.

I need to get stronger. I'm tired of being shit!

Right now I have been continuously been going down different entranceways. No matter how long it took, I will keep going.

"You hear me? Nothing is going to stop me! "I WILL HAVE MY REVENGE ON THOSE SHITHEADS WHO RUINED MY LIFE!!!"


All of a sudden, I felt a cold presence behind me. A chill went up my spine. I quickly turned, only to find no one there.

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