Chapter 11: Friend?

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10:19 AM
Isen POV
Isen's Apartment
*John has to serve one more day of suspension after the weekend.

I had woken up. I am so happy today is Saturday! You have no idea.

I had spent half of the week we watching those mid tiers. Let me tell you, they sure are two faced. They act all high and mighty when they are picking on a low tier but then they start acting scared and bow out of the situation when an high-tier steps in. Sigh. I guess I can't blame them. I acted the same way too with John. I thought he was nothing more than a dumb cripple but when I found out the truth, I tried so hard to get on his good side, only to be beaten up. It sucks but that's the way life works.

I tried talking some sense into them..I told them to lay off bullying the weaker people but the students would just look at me at confusion. That got me thinking. Do I act the same way? This has been bothering me for days. Everytime Blyke would ask me about my progress, I would just tell him I'm working on it. He sure is lucky that he gets to deal with the easier crowd! I got out of bed and looked around my room.

That's weird. Blyke usually should still be here, sleeping like a baby. He is such a lazy bum after all. Whatever, he could be going out on a jog or training. Blyke was concerned about the future of this school and wanted to get strong. I'll leave him to it. I still have my job to do. I have to help out with my assigned group. My friends are counting on me!

10:45 AM
Isen POV
Outside Wellston Boys Dorm

"Hey what's your name again?"

"I-It's Quinton. Nice to meet you I'm sir."

He then took a bow towards me. Quinton was mid tier with shaggy aqua hair. He kept his head down the whole time while talking to me. Ugh this getting nowhere.

"Hey stop that! There's no need to address me like that."

"S-sorry sir."

"And quit with that "sir" bullshit. It's starting to get on my nerves."

Ack. Quinton continued to put his head down.

"Hey man look me in the eye. I'm not here to pick on you. I need your assistance."

Quinton then went up and finally looked at me. He was still visibly shaking but this is an improvement from before.

"Alright. Do you have any idea why guys in your group like to take advantage of the low tiers?"

"I-I really didn't want to do it m-myself. I just do it so I won't become a target instead."

"A target? What do you mean?"

"Tanner and his friends like to force those low-tiers to do their work for them and at times use them as punching bags. I didn't want to be a victim so I started er.....kissing up to them."

So that's what happening? I should have known. I had knowledge of the cliques but I never really paid attention to what they had been doing. Man my friends were right. I do suck at my job.

"Quinton, I think I have a solution. How about I go talk to those guys and put them in their place. That way you don't have to worry about them. However, I also want you to promise me that you would never be like them. If I catch you acting up, I won't fmgo easy on you."

"Y-yes! T-thank you."

"Hey what did I say about bowing?"

I left Quinton and headed out of the school. Remi had planned for us to hang out at a restaurant today. I can't be late!

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