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𝗧𝗵𝗲 𝗖𝗵𝗿𝗶𝘀𝘁𝗺𝗮𝘀 𝗣𝗮𝗿𝘁𝘆, 𝗣𝗮𝗿𝘁 𝗜

Harry was running late, stumbling down the stairs he made a dash towards Remus and Sirius's room. He was in a hurry so he didn't register the noises. He wished he had. He opened the door and choked on his spit. He let out a very high pitched scream, making both of them turn towards him.

Remus looked like he was ready to die and Sirius was grinning. It was not as if it happened the first time. He liked Harry looking like he was having an existential crisis while trying to ask the earth to swallow him whole.

Remus snatched the bedsheet and cocooned himself in it and proceeded to roll himself down the bed. Sirius's grin transformed into a look of horror.

"Tell me you are not really going to leave me hanging? Literally." Sirius said in disbelief.

"Go die in a hole." Came a muffled voice from the lump of sheets on the floor.

Harry was still standing there, going through a list of things that he could use to kill himself.

Finally, Harry closed the door and crossed his way to the living room. He then let a breath out. He was actually happy about this Christmas. Now he's just traumatized. Releasing one more shaky breath he finally calmed down enough to not throw himself off the roof.

"Kreacher are you ready?" Harry yelled into the house.

"Kreacher is ready, Master Harry. But Kreacher isn't wanting to go, sir. Attending parties is unbecoming of Kreacher." Kreacher mumbled.

"Nonsense. Leaving family behind is unbecoming. You are family Kreacher, you will go with us." Harry said with determination.

"Master is too kind, sir." Kreacher said, his eyes glistening. Harry grinned at him.

"Now what if I gave you a chore?" This caught Kreacher's attention. His ears flapped with excitement. He nodded furiously.

"Bring me a piece of parchment and quill, that will be all." Kreacher made an annoyed noise at that but did what he was told. He was not given much work, Harry wanted him to take care of himself now that he was becoming old. He could see what Harry meant, but he was made for working for them, not to be family.

Family. No one has ever considered Kreacher family. He was a worker for his masters but Harry Potter considered him family. Harry took Kreacher out, they ate tubs of ice cream together, Harry even wrote to Kreacher from Hogwarts and always fussed about his health even in the letters.

Kreacher brought a self refiling Quill and a piece of parchment.

Harry thanked him and sat on the couch writing a note.

Remus and Sirius,

Kindly learn to use the locking charms, that was not something I wanted to see on Christmas. Really really didn't want to. Be there in 10 minutes or I swear I will hurt you and set your stuff on fire. I am taking Kreacher with me.

Ron, 'Mione,

If you have decided to join us. Use the right bowl of floo powder. It's for the Malfoy Manor. They are hosting a Christmas party only for family and close relations. So Kreacher, Remus, Sirius, Bill, Fleur, Charlie, Pansy, Blaise, Draco, Lucius, Narcissa, Severus, Andromeda, Teddy and I will be there. There is a bag of extra gifts set near the tree because you will be unprepared to give them presents. It won't come for free though, you'll let me copy History of Magic homework for a month. If Remus and Sirius are still there, drag them by their ears and bring them.

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