I Did It!

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"Concentrate Draco Malfoy!"

"Ugh! I'm trying, you stupid Potter!"

"I swear I'll tie you up to your bed if you don't do it this time!"

"Y-Yeah? I d-don't care!" A bit red Draco stuttered and coughed to regain his posture. He knew one thing, this stupid Scarhead will be the death of him.

Too gay Draco, you are too gay.

He took a breath in and exhaled, trying to concentrate on the flow of his blood and again tried to wiggle his finger. Nothing happened and Harry was sitting with a 'Hocus Pocus will ya fucking focus?' look. He decided he didn't like this look on the green-eyed boy.

Harry would probably look better panting while he-

Finally, Harry sighed and pulled his chair an inch closer in front of Draco. "Will you do as I say this time?" Draco just nodded. He was having a nice mental image, why would Harry break it? Damnit!

"Close your eyes and try to feel blank and numb, lay back in your chair a bit, no need to be so stiff just try to feel empty. Find in yourself your magic well and imagine it's course from the pit of your stomach to your shoulder, then finally let it slide down your arm and flow out of your fingertips." Harry said softly.

Harry put his hand on Draco's stomach. He let his fingertips slide up Draco's chest towards his left shoulder. Draco shuddered at the touch a bit but kept his composure for most of the part. His fingers twirled at Draco's shoulder, softly sliding down his arm and circled his wrist. Then the fingers softly caressed their path to the palm and left Draco at his fingertips, sliding away.

Harry brought his face very close to Draco's ear. His breath hitting his ears and neck. "Can you trace this path Draco? Can you trace it with your magic?" Harry whispered. A shiver went down Draco's spine and he found himself nodding.

"Good." Harry whispered again, his warm breath hitting the neck even more. Finally, Harry separated himself.

Draco could swear Harry was teasing him on purpose. Someone must have told Harry about his crush on him because it was bloody obvious.

Draco leaned back in his chair, slouching, something his father will never hear about! He did what Harry said but this time with more patience. Draco closed his eyes and his vision surrounded by blackness. He didn't let this be just the blackness in the surrounding he let it engulf him fully, let it wrap around him like a thin blanket feeling it on every inch of his body, he let this blanket soak every thought out of his body, in the end, all that was left inside of him was a vacuum, an empty space. He tried to search for a well inside him, at first he found nothing, but he kept roaming around searching for something, something that was a part of him and he started to feel a cold but warm light. And there is was a well, shining like the sunlight reflecting off a piece of silver. White silvery light. He let it wash all over him, prickling his skin. Finally, he let it bubble, guiding it from the pit of his stomach he imagined it, he felt it flowing through his blood vessels. The gliding down his arm to his wrist wrapping around it in coils, flowing to his palm, covering it like a glove he finally ejected it by wiggling his fingers.

Slowly he opened his eyes he saw gushes of wind flowing towards Potter. Flowing and whipping around his messy dark locks, this made Harry's lips grace him with a lopsided smile making Draco's breath hitch and the wind grew even more powerful this made Draco pull the reins on his magic before he had a small tornado thrashing everything around.

"You fucking did it!" Harry squealed like a teenage girl who just got asked out by her crush.

Draco realized it too and he too in excitement jumped on the golden boy making the chair tip backward causing both of them to fall backward. Groaning they both sat up and Draco scrambled off Harry where he was practically straddling him.

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