You Like Colors?

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*crack chapter ahead. Not at all important, you can skip it*

Draco was making his way down to the Great Hall alone. He didn't know why but it seemed natural. Out of nowhere, Hermione came running and stopped him.

"You have to tell him! At least give him a hint! Just come out, hint him you two are a possibility."

"Wh- No! Absolutely not!" Draco shook his head too many times, almost making him go dizzy.

"Just try! Please." And Draco didn't know what it was but he said yes, he was horrified by how he said yes without an argument. Things didn't seem to be making any sense but he went with it.

Finally, they approached the Great Hall and Draco took his seat next to the golden boy. Harry smiled at him his eyes twinkling with happiness. This made his eyes more vibrant and beautiful making Draco's breath hitch in his throat. Draco cleared his throat and muttered a good morning.

They all started making small talks and Draco felt his throat go dry, it was obvious they all were waiting for Draco to come out to the thick-headed person sitting next to him. Draco took a sip of pumpkin juice and calmed his nerves. Finally, he turned to Harry.

"Harry I need to tell you something."

"Yeah? Go ahead."

Draco didn't know how to say it so he opened his fist in front of Harry projecting a small rainbow over his palm.

Harry looked confused for a moment, like he couldn't understand what it was, finally, he turned to Draco, "You like rainbows? Do you want a rainbow? There will be a rainbow today?" Harry made his guesses and Neville and Blaise groaned while Hermione hit her head on the table.

"Umm no. Let me try again." Draco closed his fist making the rainbow projection disperse. He took in a deep breath and opened his eyes again, this time he had a projection of the rainbow flag. Harry cocked his head to the side in an adorable manner and then uttered the words of true horror, "You like the rainbow on a cloth? You like colorful clothes?" This time even Luna seemed to be looking at Harry as if saying 'I was wrong, you are not as sane as I am, you are an idiot'. Draco felt better knowing he wasn't the only one who wanted to hit Harry on the head. But Malfoys didn't have patience and after the last, he was out of it. Draco stood on the tables and turned to the hall. This act caught everyone's attention.

"How many of you idiots are having trouble comprehending this?!" Draco shouted and showed them the projection.

"Oh- OH!" The whole hall synchronized. Even the first years were giggling. The staff was snickering.

Finally, he turned towards the boy-who-lived, the very own dunderhead of the school. "Everyone gets it, Harry. Even the first years! I am coming out, I am Gay!" Draco said in an annoyed tone.

"I am glad you are happy Malfoy, but you don't look very happy. It's alright though." Draco let out a scream at his obliviousness and jumped down the table making way to the Ravenclaw's brunette quidditch beater and kissed him. Then motioned for Harry to look at him and the now red Ravenclaw boy.

"Don't go kissing random people, Malfoy" Harry sighed. Draco let out a strangled scream and sob as he wanted to kill this stupid Scarhead. This guy had gay friends, Seamus and Dean! How could he not understand what Draco was saying? He looked at the teacher's table. Minerva looked like she was going to cry, Snape was punching the bridge of his nose as if Harry's stupidity physically pained him, which it probably did because it was really paining Draco. All the teachers were looking at Harry as if thinking whether they should give him detention for his lack of brain or just kill him.

The fifth-year Gryffindor who hexed him while he was having breakfast yesterday looked as if he was sorry for Draco. The boy muttered, "I have been hexing the wrong guy, should have done that to Harry."

Finally, Draco sighed and looked at McGonagall. "I am jumping off the astronomy tower." She nodded and Draco made his way out of the Hall. Suddenly he tripped and fell on the fl-

Making his way out of the darkness before the fall Draco jolted awake. He sighed, it was just a dream, maybe Harry is not that stupid. But even now he wasn't sure of it. Harry could be really oblivious. Sighing he changed into clothes getting ready in the bathroom doing his morning routine.

Finally, he woke up Harry which was a feat in itself as he had to jump on the boy to make him slightly open his eyes. After finally dragging Harry down the bed. Literally dragging Harry down the bed by rolling him off and finally dragging him by his ankle to the bathroom and flipping the boy into the bathtub making Harry knock his head on the ceramic he left the boy in the bathroom.

After a lot of pulling hair and dragging and pushing they were finally making their way down to the Great Hall when a Ravenclaw passed him and winked at him, it was the same Ravenclaw he had kissed, one of the quidditch beater! This made him stop in his tracks his silver orbs wide.

Oh, shi-


It's not a Wattpad story if it doesn't have the word orbs in it. This chapter came in my dreams LMAO. This was never going to be a part but I just wanted to write it hehe. And you know what? I love it!

I am a horrible writer. *Sighs*

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