What Is Lonliness (may edit italics with bolding)

Start from the beginning

We couldn't possibly sleep with her.

Be quiet.

Before he finished making excuses in his head, merely her lower half was left sticking out from the tree. It was too late for him to reason with her. Too late to explain to her how he felt. Too late to ask about herself.

Not enough time to warn her.

So he accepted their fated night together.

Yukio hid the bag she carried next to his. Both were buried in the snow against the tree so they wouldn't lose its place. No matter how deep the snow gets, they'd at least know where the bags are to dig them out. Zuzu jumped off his shoulder and chose to snuggle against the bags as well, burrowing down into the snow. It was enough to raise the corners of Yukio's lips momentarily. Zuzu had always preferred to sleep outside the tree anyways.

Finally, Yukio climbs inside the hole. With just two people in their, it became apparent how much room they actually had.

There was enough space for him not to worry about kicking her if he stretched his legs a bit. Nearly four or five meters from side to side.

I could still fit at least twenty- no, thirty Zuzu's in here.

His imagination of counting Zuzu's was interrupted when Eliora asks him to cover the hole so that they aren't ironically spotted as well as to keep out the cold. Not realizing he had yet to do so, he nods, clumsily leaning out to grab the cut out door by the inside handles he made and pulled it snuggly into the tree. He then laid back, relaxing against the somewhat smoothed interior. It's dark, but roomy and there are small holes Yukio poked in the door that help them see with what little light they still had. As well as breathe a bit easier.

It was quiet, and awkward. He wanted to talk but wasn't sure as to what would be appropriate to say in the moment.

How have you been? Where have you been? What's going on even? Should we even talk when we're in hiding?

None of those questions ever left his mouth.

Please fill this silence. He begged, unable to find the words to release the seal over his lips. But time passed and the light outside dimmed until there was no more.

"Thank you, Yukio." She finally spoke out. "I'm not sure what is going on right now, and I'm sorry for imposing on you like this, but thank you."

He heard her take a deep breath afterwards. He guessed she was as nervous to speak as he was.

Do I thank her too? For being here? For not running when I came to help? For killing the loneliness I was bound to feel had she not come around? Do I just tell her 'you're welcome?' Do I leave things as is?

All of the indecisiveness turned into frustration for him, giving him an awful headache. So he said nothing, pulling his legs up to his chest and pressing his head against them.

Then the silence came. The night grew more apparent as time passed. There was barely any sounds aside from the wind churning the snow atop of their tree and feint shifting noises in the snow. Amongst it all, Yukio couldn't sleep. Eliora, a human, a girl at that, being at most two meters away, had made him more than nervous and the almost dead-quiet darkness he was all too familiar with was beginning to gnaw at him.

I hope you aren't asleep yet. Eliora. Eliora please, keep talking to me. Otherwise... I-

It won't last.

The uneasy thought that crept from the farthest corners of his mind made his skin crawl as he covered his ears. Even so, he reluctantly responded to the eerie message inside his head.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 03, 2020 ⏰

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