Chapter 25

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I walked to the stairs and into my hotel room. When I got in there, I threw my bags on the bed. I jumped on the bed and started texting Matt.

Me: Hey Matt. Theres this creepy worker here. He was wearing all black and no name tag. Lol he was scary.

Matt: Want me to come over?

Me: Nah, its okay. Ill be fine. Hes just creepy, thats all.

Matt: Alright but if something weird happens, text or call me. I suggest call. Hehe

I heard a knock on the door.

Me: Yea, hold on. Someones knocking on the door

I put my phone in my back pocket and walked to the door. But the door was already opened.

"Hello?" I asked. No answer. Well obviously, no ones just gonna say "yes im in here in the washroom getting ready to kill you". That would just be stupid.

I decided to ignore it. I closed my door and locked it. I went back to texting Matt.

Me: No one was there and when I got to the door, it was already open..?

Matt: OMG Are you okay?

Me: Yea, im fine. I think im gonna go so I can pack and listen to music for a while. Ill text you when im done.

Matt: Okay, be safe. Ily.

And with that, I plugged my phone into the IPhone dock I found. I started to play "Hearts Upon Our Sleeve by 5sauce". (Hehe, I like calling them 5sauce instead of 5sos)

I took one of my purple luxury bags and opened it. I started to unpack. I put the clothes away and stuff like that. When I finished with all three of my bags, I heard another knock. I groaned and ignore the door. I picked up my phone. I decided to face time Matt.

"Hey!" Matt chuckled.

"Hey." I laughed.

"Whats up?" Matt asked.

"Nothing really. I just finished unpacking and-" I heard another knock. I groaned. "And this person keeps knocking on my door."

"Go see who it is." Matt suggested.

"Fine, but im taking you with me." I chuckled. I got of my bed and walked to the door. I opened it slowly. What I saw caused me to drop my phone and scream.

"HANNAH WHATS WRONG?!" Matt yelled into the phone. He couldnt really see what was going on because my phone was on its screen.

"Turn it off." A voice coming from behind me whispered. He held a knife up to my neck.

"O-okay." I silently cried and walked to my phone.

"Is everything okay?" Matt asked. I nodded.

"Of course, I just... stubbed my toe. It hurts a lot." I fake smiled into the screen. Matt laughed.

"Listen, umm. I have to go. Ill uh.. I'll se you when I see you." I whipped a tear as I ended the face time. What if I never see him or Luke, Michael, Calum and Ashton. I should never have left.

"Good job, sweat heart." I recognized that voice. I just couldnt tell who it was.

I turned around. All the guys had black masks on and black outfits. There were only three of them.

"Dont call me that." I snapped. I walked back words only to bang into another guy. Only he wasnt wearing a mask or a black outfit. He was wearing white. He looked familiar.

"Sweet heart, dont say that to your father." The guy in white whispered in my ear. I turned around and slapped him.

"MY FATHER IS IN JAIL! DONT YOU DARE SAY THAT TO ME!" I yelled. The guy in white slapped me causing me to fall to the ground. The other three guys came up and grabbed my arms. They dragged me out the fire exit.

"No! No!" I yelled. They threw me in a black van with tinted windows.

"Shh." The guy in white grinned. "Oh and by the way, your father is right here."

All the guys took of their masks, except for the guy in white cause he abviously didnt have one on. I gasped at what I saw. He was right, It was my father and his friends.

"Dad.." i started. Dad slapped me.

"DO NOT CALL ME DAD. I AM YOUR FATHER!" He yelled. I hesitantly nodded.

"Father, Luke is going kill you. Once he finds out im gone, him and his friends are going kill you." I snapped and slapped him back.

The car stopped and I got dragged by my arms again. I looked around and saw I was being dragged into a Psychiatric Hospital (Hospital for crazy people, I know that sounded mean). They harshly threw me in a room and onto the bed.

"Youll be in here for a while." My dad grinned.

"If you put me in here, its gonna make it easier for Luke to find me." I grinned.

"Drink this." Dad handed me a cup of water. I took it and drank it. There was something hard, like a pill, in it. I ignored it and swallowed. I lied on the bed and curled myself in a ball. I got stuck in that position and couldnt move. It must have been the pill.

"Hannah, I want you to know, I will always love you. Oh and the pill will were off in a day." Dad laughed and walked out the door. I heard it lock. I didnt even have enough strength to cry. All I could do was ly there doing nothing.

Gone Girl || Magcon/ Luke HemmingsWhere stories live. Discover now