The Cat Keeper of Hell: Part 1

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Wally's POV.

Wally wakes ups slowly as he felt the paper stuck to the side of his face. "Oh no, not again..." Wally mumbles under his breath. "Please let it not be the drawing, please let it not be the drawing..." Wally removes the paper slowly off his face and look over to see a smear drawing of Alice Angel on the paper and on Wally's face. "Oh god...DAMMIT!" Wally whines. "Now I do gotta start over!"

As Wally grabs another piece of paper, he knocks over his drawing pen to Henry's luggage. He shrugs it off and reaches down in Henry's luggage to pick pocket out his pen. Suddenly, Wally felt something that felt familiar to a pen but smaller. In curiosity and confusion, Wally takes it out to only pull out a needle with the word immunotherapy on the side of it.

"I-is that a needle..." Wally shakily ask himself. Wail...this needle...does that mean...

*Dramatic music starts*

"HENRY IS THE DOCTOR FROM THAT OTHER DAY!!!!!?????" Wally gasps. He starts hyperventilating in shock until he starts realizing. "Wait a sec..."

*Record scratch*

"This is a shot thingy that's used for people with peanut allergies..." Wally visuals the needle again and sighs in relief. "Wait. Does that mean Henry has a peanut allergy? That's new."

Wally looks down back at Henry's suitcase and decided to look for it instead of eyeballing it. Ok, now...I gotta finish it... Without hesitation, Wally bravely open the suitcase and starts digging into the bag. Then Wally stops. 

*Dramatic music continues*

"I-Is that...? No way..." Wally slowly takes out a nurse's mask and cap. It's the mask and cap Bertrum and Laice told me...Henry is the nurse...and the overworking ghost... he's the overworking doctor!!! "Oh My GAWH-"

"Wally!" Henry runs into the room, making Wally screech and drop the cap and mask back in the suitcase. 

"STOP SCARING ME!!!" Wally cries. "Even on my first day everyone's been scarring me to death."

"Hehe... yeah..." Henry thought of how they first met until he remembered about earlier. "Oh yeah, you need to hide Wally! Thomas is after your head!" 

Wait. "WHAT?" Wally gasps. "Why does Thomas want me dead all of a sudden? All I did was sneak off to met you. Surly, nothing bad has happened since then..." Wally stop to think about it. 

"Well, the reason why he's after you is because he believes you stole his sandwich." Henry explains. 

"Um, excuse me." Laice walks in with two different types of coffee. "You forgot this Henry." 

Wally watches Henry and Laice talk about coffee and they exchange coffee. Oooooh! Wally thought gleefully like a fan girl. I think I see a ship here!

"His name is John." Laice shows Henry her wedding ring. "He's not only my husband, but the man that supported me since day one..."

Man!  Wally clicks his tongue. She's taken. 

"How do you get in a relationship?" Henry ask Laice. 

"Well...that's a little hard to explain..." Laice scratches her head in confusion. "Well can talk to them into a regular person..."

Dear, God! Wally examines. She's horrible with romance, and yet, she's married! I gotta save Henry before he get's the wrong idea. 

"Wally, can you please stop stare at us? Your scaring Laice." Henry turns around to look at Wally. 

After a minute of Wally relizing what he was doing, he looked away. "Sorry." Wally examines. "I was...dozing off...Anyway, about the thing with Thomas gonna be-head me." 

"Oh right!" Henry and Laice turn over to Wally. "Do you know any hiding places that Thomas doesn't know what so ever?" 

Wally starts thinking about it. As Wally thinks, Laice whisper to Henry's ear. "Why are you helping him? He can be a child once in a while...I mean, he can take care of himself. Right?"

"Because, he's also a friend of our's." Henry whispers back. "Plus, Thomas is really scary." 

"How about my closet!" Wally said, making Henry and Laice look back at him. "I know one thing for sure, Thomas is scared to go in my closet! I haven't clean that up in months!" 

Henry and Laice both look at each other. "Yeah, but can you fit in there?" Henry ask Wally. Making Wally paused for a minute. "Nah..." Wally sadly look down. "I can only fit my hand in there..."

"Hey wait." Henry comes up with an idea. "How about that scary corridor you told earlier today Laice?" Laice immediately jumps back from that idea. 

"About the scary what?" Wally ask in confusion and in horror. 

"I am not going back in there!" Laice shakily told Henry and Wally. "I come to work early to get work done, when I met up with a cat that nearly took me to the Hell side of the studio!" 
"What." Wally said. "It that true?"

"Exactly the reason why Wally should go!" Henry supportivly said. 

"Um...wait...maybe I'll go apologies to Thomas..." Wally slowly said. 

"But you didn't eat it!" Henry said back. "Why would you apologies for something you didn't do? Besides, to told me what happened last time you apologies to Thomas for something you didn't do." 

"Last time?" Laice asks behind Henry. 

"That's!" Wally shouts behind Henry before he could tell about 'Last Time'. "...Another story to tell for another day..." 

"But it doesn't mean you have to live through that again!" Henry said. "So Laice, can you show me where the place is so we can hide for now?"

(Author's note: Little did Henry know, he forgot that there's a cat there and Henry is allergic to cats so it's gonna be a 'furry' bad time!

I am so sorry. This is B.A.T.I.M. not Undertale.)


No One's POV. 

"Workers have been seeing a black cat lately, and when they tried following it so they can get rid of it. However, instead, they get lost in the dark corridors with no way out." Susie explains to Thomas, Shawn, Jack, Sammy and Norman. "But when they did get out, all they remember hearing is children whining and crying over and over. No one is able to find the cat after that. They called it, 'The Cat Keeper of Hell'~" 

The group sat there in silence after Susie finishes her story of the rumor flying around. 

"So..."Sammy broke the silence. "Laice this morning wasn't crazy after all." 

"Don't you guys get it!" Thomas stands up. "There's an animal inside the studio! That thing could be carrying diseases like rabies! Or worse! Someone here could be allergic to cats!

Shawn looks over at Thomas. "I mean, the only thing I'm worried about is going to the dark corridors. I don't wanna get lost in the studio, hearing children screaming."

Sammy looks over at Shawn with a confused look. "Who's dumb enough to go there anyway?"


"Oh no... " The group said at the same time.


Sorry if its short, I'll make something a bit more longer. But it ain't a promise. (´・ω・')

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