New Buddy?

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Wally's POV.

"It's already been a half a week in the upgrade studio. And I must admit, I don't know what I was expecting. Everyone here is still grouchy as a mean grandma, and I'm still cleaning the same gutter! More room to clean up I guess. Oh, and get this! Joey's still creating more room down stairs! I swear, if Mr. Drew ain't hire another janitor. I'm outta here!"

Wally pushes the button with the red circle on the cassette tape. He sighs while looking at the thingamajig. Why did Joey gave this to all of us again? Wally pondered.

"A-hm-" A voice from behind coughs out. Wally froze while slowly turning around to see a shadow of a tall person.

"..." *BAM* Wally quickly smacks the recorder to the ground. "That was a joke."

Thomas sighs in annoyance. "For Pete's sake, at least take out the tape!" Thomas walks pass Wally and picks up the recorder. "Doesn't seem too damaged."

Wally rolls his eyes before Thomas stood up. "Joey's calling in a meeting for everyone. The speaker's aren't working again in the music department so I had to inform you myself."

Wally perks up. "Seriously? When..."

"No time for that." Thomas walks out. "I'll meet you in the elevator."

No one's POV.

Around the Toy Factory and Music Department, a large theater that Joey bought a long time ago after the studio opened. Henry did try to reassure him to not buy it however Joey insisted. Now the theater remains empty to collect dust. Luckily, Joey decide to use the theater as a movie 

"Alrighty, everyone." Joey announced with his high optimistic voice. "I have an important announcement to everyone!" 

"Is it really necessary to use the stage though?" Norman peeved over to Sammy. 

Sammy scoffs. "To me it's a waste of stage lights and our work." 

"I would like to make this quick and simple so everyone can get back to work." The crowd suddenly began to mutter in surprise. Since when- Before Sammy could say, Joey suddenly made a movement that trigger the lights from above down to a tall young man with a startled face. "Say hello to a new member of the animation studio. Daniel Luke, Also known as Buddy."

The startled man jump with a title wave splashing off him. Its bad enough the poor boy is quivering more then before when Buddy notice the spotlight on him. Buddy chokes on his own words with his head down and fidgeting hands.

For Fuck's sake Joey... Thomas slaps his forehead.

"Hi... I'm Buddy..." Buddy shyly smile in front of the crowd.

In Everyone's mind.

Aw great... Congratulations on making a big mistake of a lifetime.

~Few Minutes Later~

Buddy's POV.

"S-so Joey." Buddy squeaks. "Can you show me the place around here?" Already a few minutes in here and I wanna go home! Once I heard this place would pay more and treat me with respect then my last job, I immediately signed up. I guess it was all to good to be true... I thought I was going to deliver mail without needing to know everyone! I hope to get out of this mess soon.

"Sure thing!" Joey nods in agreement. Right as a young man walks out, Joey grabs his shoulder and pulls him towards Buddy's direction.

"Wally. Can you show Buddy place?" Joey asks. "I need to be in my office soon to look over some papers."

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