Catching up

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No one's POV.

The morning summer sun glimmers brightly with a strong heat that stings the skin, also imitating a wave of mosquitos biting clumps of the skin and leaving it to sting.

To make matters worse, heat waves have arrived early at this time of year. However, a young lady with a fancy, white laced parasol.

The lady that you might know, one whom determined to achieve her goals the moment she sets her eyes on the prize. A young lady that reads and doesn't-(Ah, why am I writing this for so long?)

Susie's POV.

What a lovely morning! Susie glee as she start skipping down the sidewalk of the streets. The clicking of her high heels start making a rhyming tune Susie hums to. The studio is open again, I get to sing the next song as Alice Angel! Susie's eyes sparkle at the idea of roleplaying as Alice. The star singer of the show. Susie cut off her imagination and quickly peered over at her purse. Her finger tips brush lightly on the leather until the cold metal of the zipper is found. She dragged the handle and slightly open her purse to reveal a small book covered in wrappings. 

And a new Manga book to read over break! Susie's smile widens. 

"Hi Susie..."  

Susie jumps by the sound of Allison right beside her. Susie slams her zipper shut and hides her purse from Allison's view.

"OH HEYYY!" Susie startles. "How are you Allison, dear?"

"..." Allison doesn't say a word. Susie kept her cricket smile. Is her morning that bad?

"Oh! Allison!" Susie started to change the subject. "I know it's not much, but I heard the studio got renovated. And here I thought it was gonna explode due to a gas leak!"

"... Hey Susie." Allison breaks the silence with a sad tone. " Um... Listen, I didn't want to tell anyone yet but you're not going to see me much longer at Joey Drew Studios."

"What? Really? Why?" Susie tilts her head. I thought she's having a good time in the studio with Thomas.

"Because, because-" Allison started stuttering until collapsing on the ground. This catches Susie off guard, out of reflex she reaches for Allison's arm. 

Susie's gets more concern. What is really going on Allison? "What's the matter?"

Allison whimpers. "Thomas and I... broke up."

No One's POV.

The sound of new gears shifting below the music department drowns the with awed instead. A huge row of gears with Joey's name on the cover takes most of the gaze. 

"So this is what Joey has been working on!" Shawn points out loudly with his strong iris accent. "Not to bad if I say so." 

"I thought..." Jack murmured. "There was a minor gas leak..."

"Well, great!" Laice argues with her fist waving in the air. "Can't wait to hear this down in the studio!"

"I'm taking the day off today." Grant rolls his eyes and heads to the door. "I'm not... dealing with all of this today."

"But you just got here!" Shawn jolted out. 

"I know! I know..." Grant shakes his head. "But looking at all of this is already giving me a stroke. I need to lay down."

"Hey guys!" Wally runs into the room the four. "You guys like it? Me and Thomas been working on almost all week!" 

The four turn to look at him in disbelief. 

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