Rumor of Henry

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Thomas's POV.

I noticed Wally acting strange ever since that incident a couple days ago. But I don't blame him.. Words travel fast.

No One's POV.

"I heard Henry didn't fall down the stairs." Jack mentioned to Grant.

"He didn't?" Grant perks his head up. "Then what did happened to Henry?"

"Henry got crushed by the ceiling?" Allison gasp, covering her lips with her hand.

"I mean." Susie explains. "I've seen people fall down the stairs and there aren't any stairs steep enough for anyone to fall and get a bad injury. If anything, I believe it's the ceiling. Time to time a loose board falls and can collapse."

"Do you really think a loose board could be it?" Dot questions. "I find that a rare possibility the board can fall exactly on top of Henry when he headed down the stairs."

"Exactly!" Shawn explains. "I don't believe that could be it. Maybe while he was heading down stairs, he was holding something that when he fell slipped."

"If it's a pencil or a sheet of paper like he normally gets from those ghost rumors." Dot said with her face buried in a book. "Then the injurys wouldn't be fatal enough to go to the hospital and for the co-workers to leave immediately."

"I think it was more then a gas leak." Bertrum rambles off. "I know I ain't the only one who trust Joey around here. There's something wrong with that smile of his, almost seems he's hiding something."

Laice nods her head in agreement. "Out of all the things in the studio, I don't think upgrades is the last thing Joey does. There's more rooms, more underground work, more machinery, and more projects Joey wants to be done. What exactly is he planning?"

While the two engineers continuing talking while working, Norman ears drop the two talking. This is bad. Norman sprints to another room. I just hope Wally isn't hearing all of this."

Wally's POV.

Down in the music department, Wally sits to himself in his office. Wally looks down upon his fingers. His index finger touches the floor and drags low into Wally's wooden desk. Wally slowly opens his desk drawer when someone opens his office door.

"Hey Wally." Thomas' roughly clears his throat before speaking. "Sorry for interrupting What your doing, but..."

*In Tom's mind*

He looks like a mess. I knew I should've convince Joey for someone else! *sigh* What should I tell him? 'Henry's gonna be alright?' He already put himself at risk! Just say something that'll cheer him up...

*Back to reality*

"There's a ink spill in the toy department..."

"I'll be right there." Wally broke the silence.

Thomas stood there for a while until he slowly closes the door behind him. Okay then... Thomas rolls his eyes as he walks to his office. What's his problem now?

Wally stares back at his desk again. His fingers drag against his desk drawer until her takes a hold of the handle and opens the drawer. The drawer opens to reveal a small mirror. Wally gazed the mirror before picking it up and looking at himself.

"... So, I'm some kind of Janitor?" Wally darkly smile in the mirror. His pupils widen enough for white, pie cut pupils are shown. "I'm sure that's not hard to pull off..."

Wally shakes his head out of disbelief. What the... He turned his head back at the mirror. Was I talking to someone?

Wally shoves the mirror back and slams the drawer. Wally slowly gets off his chair and opens the door. He steps out of his office. "It's all in my head Franks..."

"Hey Wally!" Norman calls out. Wally turns to see Norman running down the hallway. Norman stops in front of Wally. "I heard from Joey's office that Henry's okay."

Wally's eyes widen with color. "He is?" Wally almost screams.

"Yes, Henry's alright." Norman explains. "He needs a week of rest until he could come back to work. But he's fine!"

All of Wally's worries melts away. "I'm so glad!" Wally's tone changes into relief. "I gotten worried there for a second..."

You looked like your pet dog died... Norman bit his tongue. "Anyway, you don't have to worry anymore. He'll be back."

Wally smiles. I can't wait to see him soon! I hope he's alright at home.

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