Chapter 4

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I lay on my hospital bed dazed staring at the ceiling. I have been here a couple days since the sudden attack.

Turns out that the initial extent of my injuries were a little more worse than was expected.

After giving the partial my full statement of events I was carted off by the paramedics. I wasn't allowed to stay any longer for fear of internal injuries. My neighbor had started her part of the statement when I was strapped me into the gurney, she winked at me as I left.

It was encouraging, I want to thank her somehow. We had not talked much before this incident but I would love to be friends with her. I could replace her gaming setup that my ex had destroyed if she hasn't already. I pondered a little more about it when Ernesto's face stubbornly kept popping up.

My ex, ernesto was taken to a separate hospital when they transported him. It was some miles aways, honestly it could be one hundred miles away and it still would not be enough. I want to leave this entire place, move to the other side of this country. Away from these memories and any association to him.

I can't yet, my injuries will probably take months to heal properly. Even if the exterior is healed my inner person is reeling. I suffered two fractured wrists, a broken finger one each hand so boxing up heavy stuff will be very difficult. That was the least of my worries.

Everytime I see the reflection of my face I cry. Its hideous all swollen in a various array of disgusting colors. The nurses have been especially sweet and have reassured me that I wont stay looking like this forever.

I had a fractured cheek bone that was somehow pulverized further. So I needed a stem cell bone plate. They scanned my other cheek bone to get the shape and precise angle of the bone attachment. The salvaged bone was sprinkled onto the new plate, so in the end I will have a brand new cheek bone without an antiquated metal plate that would hold everything together when I had the surgery.

My eye had been swollen shut by the time I got to the hospital they had to drain the excess fluid to avoid damaging the eye. He had also fractured the bone surrounding the eye. I am thankful the staff could save my eye. Though I see everything blurry for now with that eye.

I hear a delicate knock at the door, so I straighten up the best way I can. A cheery food aide walks in carrying a tray of food
" how ya doin Allie". I smile as much as I can without feeling the tightening pain in my face
" Imz gud" ( Im good). He sets up my tray quickly and leaves chanting " Enjoy".

The food was less than appetizing to look at but necessary. I poked at the soft puddles with my good fingers. Ewww, I never thought I would see this food again so early in my adult life, I thought it would be at leeeast in my elderly eighties or something.

Oh Yay, I got the chocolate pudding as I looked more closely at the rest of my tray. I gingerly grabbed the plastic spoon and scooped out some food. I delicately deposited it on the roof of my mouth mashing it up with my tongue.

My back right molars and one front lower tooth were damaged.  The on call dentist will reevaluate my teeth in the appropriate timeframe to see what we got to work with. I may need to replace them completely.

I feel self pity bubbling up. No, I don't regret fighting back. I heard that the initial partial who got there first will be the one to drop off the completed report and the continuing criminal court proceedings. He will probably be the one to tell me whether or not it will be necessary to give a statement to the court.

I would hope that he would be remorseful at least once in his life for what he has done. My gut feeling is that he will deny, deny, and deny. His arrogance wont let him see the error of his ways.

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The story will start speeding up I promise . Allie kind of sounds like an impulsive person huh? Trying to move suddenly.

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