E: Akl-6734

103 4 1

0947653, Hostile interaction:

Priority: conserve host..........

Ocular imaging cross reference with host memory....................

Hostile: unknown uniformed, police officer, military personnel, government personnel...............


Firearms, laser razer, mortar, tanks fitted with laser weapons, metal vehicles..............................

Hostile level: 5

Damage: mild

Bullets contact with host: broken capillaries upper torso epidermis on pectoris muscle

Opening file 98776......................

Protocol 5673653 .....................

Defense: 35%.............................

Nanoparticles excretion.............

Exit point phalanges.................

Nano-genesis production: 0%

Recalibrating production:50%

Power cell remnant: dispersed....

Biomass conversion: damaged cells, cancer cells, cells at the end of cycle span, pathogenic viral, parasitic and bacterial load.......

Tissue regeneration: nanoparticle assisted ............


Nanoparticle swarm: vapor state

New program objective..............

Caustic to inorganic materials...

Starting 0 to 230 trsk circumference...............................

Threat: mitigated........................


0034527847,  report.....................

Successful full intergration of nanoparticles...........................

Data upload cross references: completed................................

Host name and genus: Miles Yu, Homo sapien................................

Dialogue with native species has proven difficult. Raw data aggregate from INTERNET proven to be very useful. Working on de encryption on some data files, private information from an agency, maybe?

I am glad I am no longer in hibernation. Unfortunately for my host, I will be taking main control of the shared physical body.

Excerpt of dialogue:

Akl:(" Hello, Miles")

Response:( "Fuck you")

I have updated system files with translations and data before integration with host.

Miles has refused to talk to me since our introduction, I can only surmise from the wealth of personal data that I have to give him time to process. I will continue to attempt understanding between us both.

I have mitigated the threat of authority designated individuals by disintegrating all inorganic matter relevant to them. Interestingly though as soon as the first males had nothing available to them, they were no longer interested in attacking and ran away cupping their sexual organs. The females threw their weapons down and ran away screaming as soon as they bore witness to the disintegration of the latter's materials. The rest of the males who were not affected first kept fighting futility until nothing was left, they too ran away in the same fashion.

All large inorganic matter or vehicles as this species refers to them have been broken down to their basic elements. Generating the needed components for one of my many Polygyniou nanoparticles to produce several trillion nanoparticles. Excess storage will be embedded into host.

All modifications took 8 earth conversion hours. Host is unaware of modifications, I can only hope that Miles accepts it over time.

Ending report...........................

Akl: I hope to see the future envisioned by our great Father and to reunite with you all.

Next Daily report: Planetary rotation 4; 00:00:00:00:00:00


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