Chapter 2

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Day 13

I am pacing inside our hotel room. Every family we have run into inside the hotel are frightened. No one is sure what is really going on, state officials tell us one thing but the state news briefing tells a whole different situation. Military operations are now a common occurrence.

My husband staying at the stadium emergency shelter and hotel room has shown me he loves our children well enough. But his actions speak louder than words in respective of me. 

He had came quite late to the shelter and almost missing the curfew deadline of 9:00pm the first day we were there. Loudly claiming that work kept him. I had decided not to press for more information at the time to avoid making a scene and until this state of emergency is over to interrogate him.

As he stares at the tv while our children work on paper homework assignments. I decide resolutely that I must stay strong for my children.They are the ones who need me and unfortunately him.

So far since the whole live tv footage fiasco, the state government has been reluctant to give us the whole truth. They have been bread crumbing half truths to the general public, I am sure . Many people believe that the government is trying to avoid admitting that there is an alien man on earth.

Conspiracy theorist had propagated mass hysteria a couple days ago by saying that since the military has had little success providing the dead body  or any kind of announcement of victory that the Aliens will soon come to wipe us out or conquer us all. I would be lying if I didn't believe there is a grain of truth in that.

But the government swiftly squashed that rumor  by reassuring the public it is a domestic terrorist and allowing limited news camera access to its military operations.

There is a knock on the door of our hotel room. I hurriedly make my way to the door, my husband getting up from the bed and my kids heads turn away from their school work to look my way.  I make sure to have the safety chain on just in case and open the door, my husband behind me also looking out the door. A skinny young man about 18 stood at the door with his baggy military uniform and a paper in hand.

" Hello?" I answer apprehensively. He shoves the paper into my hand. " ma'am read the paper and be at the lobby by the specified time sharp. It is important for EVERYONE to be present" he emphasized. "Ookk, thank you?" I said. " Good day , ma' am. If you have any questions please wait until tonight for them to be answered" he says in a deadpan voice. He swiftly turns around and walks to the door across from us knocking on the door starting the whole process over again. I close the door as soon as our neighbor opens it.

The paper reads:

The state government cordially invites you and your family to a rally to welcome a new Federal statesman.

Please the dress code is casual and feel free to bring comfortable shoes

Drinks and refreshments from vendors will be available afterwords, please bring your own funds since this is not covered by emergency state funds

A bus will charter you to the location at 7:00 pm, sun light might still be present so make sure to be sun safe.

Thank you

The paper made no mention of an entrance fee and the military young man said that everyone must attend.  This isn't an invitation, this is a thinly veiled demand that we all show up. I look at the tv, the four o'clock news had just started we have two hours to get ready.

" mom where are we going" says my eldest David, " are going to the park? " said a giddy Sarah, "No, its the store!!" Says Saul confidently. I dress each child cutely and with comfort in mind. A lot of their clothes are stripes, solid colors, and animal features like scales or rabbit ears. " No, tiny ones we will be going to an event, so we have to be ready" I said.

After looking each over again to make small adjustments, I start to get ready.  I sift through some clothes while my husband also begins to get ready. I chose a simple dark tee and silky loose pants. My husband walks out changed and ready with his shiny gelled hair. I tell the kids to put on their shoes since it is almost time to go down to the lobby.

He takes one look at me and says " you're not walking out with those clothes". I slowly turn dreading his reaction" whaat??" I say quietly so that the kids couldn't hear above their own chatter. He grabs me by the hair steering me back to the bedroom. Shoving me into the wall he says " I said you are Not going out looking like that. you look ridiculous, change the shirt and put on some makeup." My lip quivers " oohh, ok" I say timidly.

I fumble around taking out blouse after blouse until I get to one that he nods his approval toward. I swiftly take off the shirt, change, and put on some makeup.

He waits by the door with the kids. He smiles when he sees me, I cringe internally. We open the door to make our way to the lobby and see groups of people happily chattering passing by. Closing the door we too join the happy moving masses, and I forget my own lonely silent despair.

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