E: Mean while

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" Look, pretty boy I'm not helping you. I have my own  assignment and I don't have any time for some small time story" a surly middle age man grumbles, he continues "You can setup some of the smaller equipment. It will look the same if ya don't move ... No one will be the wiser". This is the third camera man who has shot me down.

Agitated I clench my jaw and I make my way to the news station from the parking lot. I carefully select the lightest equipment possible from the equipment storage signing it out. A whole lot of good that will do, without some dynamic live shots and a camera man to maneuver  I won't be able to convey the enormity of this once in blue moon kind of event.

I had already edited and compressed the dashcam footage from our willing informant to the news station for the 11pm time slot.  I took the stations smaller SUV from the parking lot.

Adjusting the front view mirror, I caught the usual glimpse of my face. It was pleasant enough but apparently for fashion houses it was gorgeously proportioned and practically fought each other for me to walk for them first. That's how I spent a large chunk of time in between semesters, walking the runways and poising for photoshoots.

Even with that income it was nearly impossible to afford the education but I made it with  both my parents support.

Sigh. Shit, I know I'm green or a young sprig at this but come on. My parents and I didn't work long hours to waste this opportunity for something better.

But Hahaha the joke is on me I should have known that network connections can get you anywhere. Its who you know, not how you got there that can get doors to open.

I am only here at this smaller station because a senior colleague called in a favor for her daughter to be given the lead position for newbies.

I was told you can either take the position offered or go another year, maybe even longer looking for a similar position. 

I only found out when I heard an employee mentioning it to another employee a couple of weeks into this position.  Though it was true I had applied specifically for the girl's position, it was never explicitly promised verbally or through writing to be given to me.

The road started to have more and more vehicles as I kept going . The road block must be in the front somewhere but then traffic came to a grinding halt. Perfect, fucking perfect. The last dregs of sunlight took with them my last hope of having more than ample time to set up the gear and find a good spot to record.

As I progressed forward at a tear jerkingly slow pace that would rival a banana slug. I finally got to the road block, I debated whether or not to flash my humble credentials to the officer.  In the case there was a  particular space specifically for reporters and a spokesperson for the Department it could work out. But if not the officer would shoo me away and make sure I didn't loiter.

As I got closer I saw other news vans setting up in a corden off place. With newly found courage I confidently displayed my reporter badge as I got closer to the officer. He huffed and let me through pointing me toward the space for the media.  But as I was prepared to leave he abruptly tapped my window, and said " name, station affiliation, drivers license"  to the window.

I turned to get my badge and drivers license. With my head squarely facing away from him I discreetly rolled my eyes in annoyance.

As if the huge channel 5 logo on the SUV wasn't plain enough. "Miles Yu, address \÷/%÷\*=%=/\÷\*€€€, license number=+%%÷, badge number ÷×%%÷/\=\%*" he quietly mumbles as he writes it down. He quickly waves me away afterward and I take it as him telling me that I can put my stuff away.  I just resume on my merry way.

I see a spot a little ways away from the other news outlets and quickly got out to set up my stuff. I go through who I can pick their brain for some information when I notice a different cop talking to each mini camp.

Seeing them at a distance packing up their equipment again but with sudden urgency, I can only assume there will be a press conference.  There won't be much to put back since I just got started. So I started the task of putting everything back that I wont be using.

At the last possible moment the officer just pops up from behind me. I turn and jump back trying to save us both from the pokey instruments in my arms. "Sweet baby Jesus, you can warn a guy before you just pop up out of nowhere" I said. " Sorry bud but there is a news conference around the corner. Follow the street, take a left. Black podium, blue carpet you can't miss it or just follow your friends" He shrugs. " Thanks for the tip" I say before the cop briskly walks away.

I finished putting everything back into the SUV or into a carrier a few moments later. Strapping my equipment to my back I made my way to the aforementioned spot.

The walk wasn't a long one and I found that I am the first one there. I set up my 'light' camera and look around at the setup.

It looks like someone spent some time setting up those bright lights and organizing those uncomfortable plastic chairs. Did they already expect us to be here? I narrow my eyes in suspicion as I deposit my mic on the mic stand and take a seat.

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