Chapter 7: Bitter Work

Start from the beginning

  Katara claps her hands as if I did something successful. But I didn't feel too successful.

Katara: That was great (Y/N).

  Toph puts her hand over Katara's chest to stop her congratulations. 

Toph: It was good, if his goal was to destroy the rock. The goal was to move it, not obliterate it.

Katara: Well, I don't understand, I mean they did the same thing you did.

  Aang came back after being launched into Appa.  

Aang: Well what if we came at the boulder from a different angle.

  Toph grabs Aang by his shirt. 

Toph: That's the problem. You've go to stop thinking like an Air bender. There's no clever solution, no different angel, and no trickety trick that's gonna move that rock. One thing Fancy Dancer did that you have to start doing is face it head on. As for you.

  She points her finger in my face catching me off guard for a moment. 

Toph: You may have to think a little less with destructive power, and focus more on moving it. Destruction isn't something that's always in earth bending.

  Toph begins to walk away as Katara rushes after her, stopping her from walking off.

Katara: I've been training Aang for a while now. He really responds well to a positive teaching experience. Lots of encouragement and praise. Kind words. If he's doing something wrong, maybe a gentle nudge in the right direction. And seeing how (Y/N) is, he might respond the same way.

Toph: Well I can't focus on the both of them. Aang's takes priority for now. (Y/N) has to learn to be. . . more gentle. His destructive power and strength is fine, but he needs more finesse. In the meantime, I'm taking Twinkle Toes here and whip him into true earth bending shape.

  She drags Aang away as I am lead away by Katara.

Y/N: I don't get why this is so hard. If I can already break boulders like it's nothing, then moving them shouldn't be a problem.

  Katara places her hands on my shoulders. 

Katara: Well, maybe there's something that's keeping you in a 'destructive' mindset. Maybe there's something keeping you so on guard from your past?

Y/N: Is this the part where I tell you about my past?

Katara: I'm not trying to fore it. But, I just think it would help in your problem. Let's start with, what's the biggest thing you can move with your bending?

Y/N: Not sure. I don't know really. MY bending is weird. It seems I can over things bigger than myself, but, smaller objects don't bend to my will so easily. The most "finesse" I have is this.

  I place my hands on the side of the cliffs and climb the cliffside, my hands and feet seemingly sticking to the side with no effort. Much to Katara's amazement.

Katara: How are you doing that?

Y/N: My mom taught me. She's the best earth bender in the world, but don't tell Toph that. It's a type of magnetism. It allows me to sneak in quietly.

  You leap down landing softly onto the ground.

Y/N: That's all the finesse I have. I just need to go relax and focus. There's a lot in my head that should be worked through. I'll be back later.

Katara: I'm here if you ever need help. I can help any way I can.

*A bit later*

  You walked off through the canyon as you went over the thoughts in your head on what your problem was. Time went by as you seemed to just be meandering around until you eventually came up and saw Toph and Aang training. Katara also noticed the training and joined to see what was happening as well.

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