Chapter 13 a rather.....Unexpected event.

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Jace's P.O.V.
I woke up in my room of the inn. It was weird to not be sleeping in a tent. Pixel was laying down at the foot of my bed Dante wouldn't leave my side incase I had a nightmare again. Contro was laying down on the wooden floor by the door,trying to keep security on me Tori was already awake and looking out the window to the balcony. "Alright everybody time to wake up!" Contro's eyes opened,his emerald eyes catching the light of the sun,shining brightly he made his way from across the room to my bedside. Dante shot up and stretched his bulb's nightlight mode turning off. Pixel jumped up tot he top of the bed and rubbed her head against my synthetic arm a small little jolt of electricity arcing off of it. We heard a knock on the door,and a soft and rather shy voice saying from the other side. "May I come in?" Contro used psychic to unlock the door. And Lilliana walked in. "Hey Lilli,what's up?" She was gripping her left arm tightly. I walked over and lifted up the sleeve of her light grey cardigan she normally wore,and saw shallow cuts that seemed to be recently healed. "Lilli. When did you start doing this?" I noticed scars on her arm that looked months old,almost as old as...... "Since the avalanche." She interrupted my thought process. "I just,I couldn't help but blame myself for what had happened to you that day,and,you were gone for so long I just." I saw tears well up in the corners of her eyes. "Hey,hey,hey,hey. It's alright it's okay." I hugged her tightly. When I let her go I wiped the tears from her eyes. "Please,I love you too much to let you do this to yourself." I blushed realizing the words I just said. She blushed back in response. "It has never once been your fault. Your beautiful your stunning,and I hate to see you do this kind of thing to yourself let alone,Ive noticed your confidence waver in recent weeks. So please." I was interrupted by her kissing me on the cheek. "Thank you Jace." Pixel walked over to her and rubbed her head against Lilliana's leg. "It's,no problem really. So what say we head down stairs to the Galley and meet up with Vain and the others for breakfast." We walked downstairs to see Vain sitting down at a table that was probably a little bit too small for him,talking to Sonja,and Solara. Tank was off to the side eating some Pokémon food with everyone else's Pokémon,we pretty much had this entire inn to ourselves. We heard a knock on the door of the inn and opened it. Who else was standing there but Gene. "Hey kid,are you ready for our battle?" "Let me have breakfast first please." He sat down at the table next to Vain. "Oh right Jace. I got a letter for you from Coronos Town,and one for you from Maira City as well." Gene handed me the two letters one of which was a package from home,a small intricate looking box from Professor magnolia. I opened the box and saw a Pokéball with a note in the top of the box.

Hey there kid I heard about your exploits in Moira city from your mom. I hope that this didn't arrive to you at a bad time. Open the pokéball and you'll find a new Pokémon,to try and help you out with the Gym Leader of Drift City.

I pressed the button on the pokeball and a Clobbopus came out of it. The little dude looked up at me and gave something I could only assume was a smile. "Hi there little guy." I reached out my hand to pet him. He reeled back his tiny little arm and slugged my hand. "Ooh your a feisty little guy aren't you." He looked at me with another smile. "How about I call you........ Bruce." He seemed to like the name as he jumped up and started to smile again. I than opened the letter from Maira city. It was from Leona.

Hey kid,I know Vain is with you,and I hope he doesn't do anything too destructive. But,that's not what this letter is about. It's Dax, he recently showed back up a couple nights ago,not asking as my brother but rather,Demanding that I give him something that was passed down in our family lineage for generations. I of course demanded he battle me for it,but,his team seemed Stinger wiser more powerful than anything I've seen him do before. His elekid fully evolved and he had added two new members to his team. If you see him,be careful,something is wrong with him,and something has changed inside of him.

Pokémon:Fervor Version. (Pokémon Fan Fic)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu