Chapter 15 A call to Action?

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Jace's P.O.V.
I got outta bed with my Pokémon around my room pretty much the exact same position as they were in the room I had at the drift city inn. With Bruce sitting by Contro at the door. His larger tentacle gently slung over the side of Contro's body. I got my usual outfit on and said. "Alright guys everybody up." Tori stretched,she was still getting used to her new form,seeing as after she took a couple steps she fell over again. Dante used his vines to help her back to her feet. Pixel stood up from the foot of my bed her neon blue eyes shined just a little bit brighter today. Contro got up and let down his neck so Bruce could climb up onto his back. "Time to get in your Pokeballs guys. Well. Except Tori so she can walk around a little more to try and get used to moving around. Because if we're gonna fight more of those Fallen goons. Even their admins we need everyone in top form." Everyone went in no problem. I walked outta my room with Tori to hear Sonja talking to Prof.Magnolia on the inn's phone. I walked downstairs to see what was up. "Ah speak of the devil. Hey Jace! The Prof and your mom wanted to speak to ya about Jaeger." I walked over to the computer to see the professor and my mom both standing by the phone. "So how's he doing?" My mom started off. "It's a good thing you sent him to us when you did. Otherwise it could've been much worse than it currently is. He's not fully back to his usual bubbly and excitable self yet but. He's getting there. He's having difficulty getting the hang of flying again but he's starting on it. I also noticed several small scars on his pincers and on his back. They look like pierce wounds. Hence why I turned to magnolia on this." Magnolia straightened up the collar of her coat.  "They appear to be from a rare species of Joltik that instead of feeding off electricity they flood their victims system with ample electricity from their own body. Which is what caused the storms syndrome to take hold of him. However it's odd that a species of Pokémon that prefer desert climates were living in one of the coldest climates in the region." She referred back to my mother. "So we were wondering had you made any contact with someone who could have had one of these on them before the event of the avalanche?" I thought about it for a moment. "No because the only person we saw was this guy named Dax. But he was headed that way from drift city after obtaining its gym badge. Which was before the Gym trail system was implemented." Magnolia paused for a moment. "Did he happen to have any electric type Pokémon with him?" Sonja cut in. "Well he had an elekid but Jace never sent out Jaeger when we were around him,and I was the one who fought him." Magnolia sat there silent for a moment. "Well regardless. Other than the update on Jaeger I had a request for your little group. Are you lot in Geo Town?" I nodded. "Yeah we're in Geo,why what's up prof?" She started talking with a sense of somewhat conviction. "One of my former students' lab is up there. He specializes in Pokémon botany. As well as researching how the more Plant like grass types reproduce. I want you to check on him because I haven't heard from him in a couple weeks." I nodded in response. "You've got it prof." She hastily brought up. "I'm also aware of that person your traveling with. Vain right? The former steel type gym leader of the league. He left that team fallen group yes?" At that point vain walked over using his hammer as a crutch. "Yes I did. My former boss gave me a proper discharge by doing this." At that point he lifted up his forge hammer showing the cracking,where his keystone used to be. "He shattered a Keystone? How?" Vain put his left hand behind his head. "Some kinda new tech the scientists of our team was working on. Never thought I'd be the field test of the thing. If I remember right they used Keystone ore to make the blade. But it's reinforced with a high integrity steel. Forged by yours truly. If only I'd known the real reason behind what I made." He than walked away towards the booth he was sitting in at the cafe. "Anyway you lot should be  looking for the Dursley greenhouses. His name is Marcus Dursley. He's not quite a professor yet. But just make sure he's doing okay. Got me?" Sonja quickly shot off. "You got it prof. We'll head over there after Breakfast." She hung up the phone. "Oi Sonja you okay? You seem a bit off today." She looked over at me. Her brown eyes giving off what felt like a chill,of the coldest wind. It was than I noticed that she had bags under her eyes. "Okay what were you up to last night?" Her eyes opened wide at that moment. "I WASNT TRAINING IF THATS WHAT YOU THINK I DID." She than let out a bout of nervous laughter. "Okay than send out Fro,and Ripper." She sighed and sent out her two partners. They both looked completely and utterly exhausted. "Okay Sonja how hard did you work them last night?" I crouched down and gave both of them some special energy boosting Pokémon food I keep in the pouch on my belt. Pays to be a Pokémon doctor's son. "Well. I was just trying to work on their teamwork. The two of them haven't been seeing eye to eye lately,and I thought training the two in unison was a good idea. But the two of them fought eachother at every turn instead of working together." "That's going to happen when a Pokémon's personalities don't work well together. Something I can recommend to help them is adding another Pokémon to your roster. Does that also happen to be what Prof magnolia said when you were on call with her?" I looked up at her and she looked frustrated. "I don't need another Pokémon these two do well enough. It's just recently that they've started to get angry." I placed both my hands on her shoulders,and looked her dead in the eyes. "Sonja. Listen. I know that you think these two are strong enough to handle battles. But look at them. It's clear that they are getting angry at eachother because their patience with the other is wearing thin. Adding a new Pokémon would help their dynamic,and potentially give them a bit more patience. Because running them ragged in scenarios where they are FORCED to work together isn't helping at all." She glared at me. "Fine. I'll try and find someone new to add to my roster."

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