Chapter 2 A rather bizzare encounter

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Jace's P.O.V.
We walked out of town into the forest. "So Sonja,where should our first stop be?" "Well,I was thinking maybe laurel town,since there's a Ranger base there you might bump into your dad." I nodded and gave her a reply. "Well,I guess that should be where our first stop will be since the woods aren't that thick." We suddenly heard a small explosion in a nearby clearing. "Jaeger go check out what's going on." My Gliscor went off into the woods,me and Sonja could only try to keep up. The clearing was aflame I looked around to see two people trapped in a tent. "HELP US!" "PLEASE SOMEONE!!" I had to think for a moment. "JAEGER USE ROCK SLIDE TO PUT OUT THE FIRE." My partner did as he was told. "Now Jaeger use Rock smash to take care of the rocks." He flew around breaking every rock he'd placed. The two people walked out of their tent. It was two girls,one was wearing a long white coat that ended just above her knees with a pair of jeans beneath,and a shirt with text on it reading. SCIENCE ACTIVTE. Her hair was messy but put up in a ponytail,it was a dark brown color. Her eyes were the weird part,they were a green color comparable to grass. The other girl was wearing a short black coat,that ended around her waist,and a faded pair of jeans with several cuts on them. Underneath her coat she was wearing a light blue tank top. Her hair was long,but not quite as long as the other girl she had it down and it went a little past her shoulders. Her eyes were a deep brown color,like coffee. She spoke first. "Thanks for saving us. See Solara I told you resting your new invention in the woods was a bad idea." "Well I'm sorry Lilliana but I thought that maybe this time it wouldn't explode!" I looked where the source of the fire was it looked like a machine of some kind. "So,uh what exactly were you testing out here?" "Oh you see,it was a machine that could teach your Pokémon any move you wanted to,just think of the possibilities a Sylveon using Icy wind,or a Garchomp using Play Rough. Also who might you be?" "Oh uh I'm Jace,she's Sonja and the Gliscor that saved you guys is Jaeger." "Wait Jace? Aren't you the son f the head ranger of the region?" "Well I was kinda hoping I would be able to go a little bit longer without someone mentioning that. But yeah,my dad is head ranger." "So now that we've gotten introductions out of the way,would you care for a battle?" Lilliana seems like she was excited for this. "Uhm okay,lets go."

"Alright the battle between Jace,and Lilliana is about to begin,each person is using one Pokémon. Whichever ones Pokémon is unable to battle first looses,challengers send out your Pokémon." "Alright Dante lets go!" My partner came out of his Pokéball with his wings closed into his bulb. "Alright,I guess I'll send out my partner." She took a Pokéball off of her belt,it was a timer ball. "Lets go,Laila!" Out of the Pokéball came a Torchic,but it was something else,it had black feathers around its waist,and it's wings looked webbed like a bats. "Woah,what is that thing." I pulled out my pokedex. "Torchic: Basilisk Variety. This is what happens when a Female Blaziken,and a Male Noivern have a child. These Pokémon have a docile nature in comparison to normal Torchic,probably due to the Noibat elements,this Pokémon if raised by the correct trainer,can be quite the asset." "Okay so it probably has a mixture of Fire,and Dragon type moves." "That's what you think." "Alright let the battle begin!"

"Dante use Silver Wind!" He started to shake his fur,and it let out these small silver spores,he than I guess let out a roar,and the spores went flying towards the weird Torchic. "Laila Fly upward that use Sludge Bomb!" "What?" The Torchic spread its wings and let out a form of toxic sludge from its mouth. "Dante dodge it!" He tried to move out of the way,but he got hammered by the toxic sludge. The smoke cleared from him getting hit,he seemed hurt,but he looked alright to battle. "Alright Dante,fly upward,and use vine whip!" He flew up,and tried to hit the Torchic but without Lilliana giving it the command to dodge disappeared. "Use DropKick!" It reappeared above Dante,and dropped its foot down on top of him. The two of them entered a free fall. "Dante wrap your bulb around its foot and use ember!" He did so,and the Torchic screeched in pain. "Laila shake him off!" It started to try and shake Dante off of its foot,but it wasn't working. "Dante flip over,and use Take down!" He turned over while they were falling,and charged towards the ground while the Torchic was at the bottom. The crashed to the ground. Dante walked out of the dust. With his bulb closed. When the dust cleared the Torchic was laying on the ground knocked out. "Laila is unable to battle,the winner is Jace!" Lilliana walked over to her Pokémon and picked her up. "You did great out there Laila,good job." She than returned her to her Pokéball. "Hey Jace,nice strategy with having Dante close his bulb around Laila's foot,and than having him turn upside down,and use TakeDown." "You kidding? That surprise Sludge bomb was amazing! I had no clue she was a poison type." "She's not,she's a fire Dragon type. She just learned that naturally." We eventually decided to have them join us on our journey. Since they were both rookie trainers,but had some pretty neat Pokémon themselves. We wound up all staying at their campsite for the night.

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