Chapter 8 A Shadow Looms

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Jace's P.O.V.
We walked back into the gym,Tori was sitting atop of my shoulder,while Dante was flying in beside me. "Well you're finally back! How's Tori!?" Leona looked at the little rabbit atop my shoulders. I could tell by the look in her eyes she noticed the bandages on her arms. "What's with those bandages." I scratched the back of my head. "The nurse said that they were placed there to cover up some scars she got from the battle." She looked into my eyes. "Please take care of her." I reached out my hand. "There's nothing to worry about." She shook my hand. "Now,I believe it's time to get your gym challenge over with?" We walked over to the field,one of the gym officiants walked onto the field to be the ref on our battle. "ALRIGHT!! Today we have Jace,The challenger V.S. Maira City's own Leona Sonoin!! This will be a two on two single battle. Challenger ARE YOU READY!!?" I gave a nod. "Yes I am,I have a pretty good strategy for this too." He looked at Leona,she gave a nod,and a grin. "ALRIGHT BOTH COMBATANTS ARE READY,SO LET THE BATTLE!!!! BEGIN!"

"Go Core!!" She sent out a Roggenrola. "Alrighty than,go for it TORI!!" Tori jumped off of my shoulder with a massive grin on her face. "Wait your sending out the Ice/Fairy Type against the pure Rock type??" Solara shouted from the stands. "I have a plan Solara." She just shrugged and sat back down. "Core,use Headbutt!" We saw the Roggenrola rush at us. "Hold Tori,hold." The Roggenrola was almost on top of Victoria. "TORI USE MACH PUNCH!!" Her fist glowed a furious orange color and she hammered the Roggenrola. "Not bad Jace,but we can roll with that. Core use rock throw!!" The stone atop her roggenrola's head glowed. "TORI RUN AROUND THE ARENA!!" She did as she was commanded,Core was somehow still nearly hitting her even though he was still stuck in the ground. "Wait a minute.... Tori use Icy Wind on the ground!!" She jumped up and used Icy wind,she started to walk on the ground,but Core wasn't so much as even coming close now. "Shit....looks like you found out Core's strength,and his weakness. Not bad Jace,but that's not the only trick he has. CORE JUMP OUTTA THE GROUND AND USE HEAVY SLAM ON TORI!!" He jumped outta the ground with so much forward velocity,he was practically a missile,and straight up hammered Tori. She was still standing though. "Tori,now use Dazzling gleam!!" She lit up the entire arena. "Ugh I can't see." "Now use Mach Punch!!!" The light was still going,but when the light was gone Tori was standing above Core with the wraps on her arms having been ripped apart somewhat. "Not bad Jace. Core Return." She reached for a quick ball off of her belt. "Go Jasmine!!" She sent out a rockruff but it was different. It's paws,and snout were a much darker brown than any rockruff I'd seen prior. It's base fur color was much,much lighter than normal resembling snow mixed with mud,the white fur around its neck,and on its tail had a like green hue to it,and its ears,and the stones around its neck were a vibrant green color. " off color Rockruff." She looked at me. "She's a tough on Jace,so don't think your outta the woods yet. Jasmine use accelerock!!" Her rockruff disappeared from sight for a moment. Suddenly Tori was knocked backwards all the way over to me. I grabbed her. Jasmine reappeared right in front of Leona. "Holy crap. That thing is fast as heck."

We suddenly heard the doors swing open with brutal force. Three people walked through. I knew all three. On the right was the front desk guy from the forge. To the left was the Blacksmiths apprentice a young girl not much older than me or the others. In the center was the blacksmith Tank was walking beside him,but slumped over his shoulder was "Dax...VAIN WHAT THE HELL DID YOU DO TO MY BROTHER!?" Leona sent out three Pokémon. A large Midday form Lycanroc that was large enough for her to ride on its back who's traits highly resembled Jasmine. A Gigalith that appeared to have a body made of obsidian with large Vermillion spikes jutting out of its head,but deep ocean blue shards coming out of its body,and feet,and finally a Shiny Aerodactyl. "VIRIDI,USE ACCELEROCK!! VULCANITE USE STONE EDGE!! STRONGJAW USE IRON HEAD!!" The Aerodactyl rushed at Vain only to be stopped at the last second,of which strongjaw just sat down. Vulcanite stood behind Leona and large rocks about the same color as his shot up out of the ground right in front of the black smith. But he just smashed it with the massive forge hammer he had in his other hand,and the crystals kept going. Viridi pulled the same trick as Jasmine,but reappeared right before impact. Vain put out his hand in front of Viridi's face,she just up and laid down. "Now stay there." He continued to make his way over towards us. "Hey put Dax down." He out down his hammer and grabbed Dax with both hands and said. "If you want to help him take him to the hospital kid." He tossed Dax in my direction. I ran and grabbed him before he hit the ground. His legs were broken,but the rest of him was just bruised up. "Now that I've got him off of me,it's time to tal-" a Stone edge from Vulcanite appeared about an inch in front of him. "STOP IT WITH THE STONE EDGE THOSE ARE SO MUCH HARDER TO STOP!!" Leona put her hand in front of Vulcanite. "What do you want Vain? Why'd you do that to my brother?" He looked Leona dead in the face and said. "You know why I did it. I always did have a problem with bad trainers. Your brother has to be the worst one I've seen in ages. Pushing his Pokémon to the brink of death? Kicking it whenever it could hardly move? Refusing to admit when he's beaten?" Leona stood there stunned. "How'd you know about that?" Vain gave her a look like. 'Your kidding right?' "Maira city isn't that big,doesn't take long for word to get around y'know. With a recovery story like that bunneary's? That spread through the town like wild fire." Leona couldn't do a thing. "Did you at least pay the hospital bill? Do you still do that?" Vain grinned. "Yup. The funds should be sent to your account by now."

Leona left the gym and dragged me along with her. The others followed us of course. Dax woke up the minute we set him in the hospital bed. "That son of a gun,and you just let him go!?" Leona was furious. "You realize he made a point right Dax? You understand that your the one who did wrong here,yes? Pushing Tori to her limit like that,and not even caring enough to take responsibility!?" Dax sat there silently. The doctor walked in whenever he knew the yelling had stopped. "I have some,horrible news for your brother." Dax looked at the doctor with rage behind his eyes. "What is it!? Come on than spit it out!!" The doctor seemed like he was shocked at Dax's behavior. "Mr.Sonoin you will be lucky if you ever walk again. The fractures are so bad it will take you at least a year to recover." Dax grabbed the doctor by his jacket and said. "Now listen here asshole you'd better be joking,how am I supposed to be a Pokémon Trainer when I can't so much as walk huh?" Dax started to cry. "ANSWER ME YOU PIECE OF SHIT!! HELP ME!!" The crying got worse,and Dax let go of the doctor's coat. "Please,just,just help me." The doctor cleared him for release,Dax was rolled out in a wheelchair. Dax rolled away from the rest of us,as far away as possible.

Me and Leona returned to the gym where she gave me my gym badge. "I'm sorry you had to get involved with an old unsettled quarrel Jace. If you want to keep going on the route of defeating Gym leaders,as well as sightings of the masked hunter,head to Drift Town. There you'll find a fire type gym leader,he's tough,but he's more stand up Than the former gym leader of that place. Also if you see Vain again,tell him that if he needs it,I'd like for him to come by for a battle,for old times sake." We left town afterwards,and started to make our way to Drift Town.

Dax's P.O.V.
I woke up in this dark room. Vain was standing beside me. "What are you doing here?!" Vain looked at me with a scowl. "I'm not here by choice,I'm here on direct orders." Suddenly we both heard someone clapping. A person stepped forward into the light. Not directly but just enough for us to notice his presence. "Mr.Sonoin,I heard about your rather,unfortunate situation. DOCTOR!!" Suddenly a guy that looked like he'd been sewn together,after being looked apart appeared. "Yes sir?" "Can you fix him?" The man in darkness resounded. "WAIT A DAMN MINUTE. Your actually letting this kid join!?" Vain jabbed in. "He's abusive as hell to his Pokémon,he's rude,he's got a temper so hot that a magcargo wouldn't want to stand within a 15 mile radius of the kid,and he's the new recruit you want?" The man in the shadows turned towards Vain. "You have a problem with this??" Vain glared at the man. "I joined so I could punish the bad trainers like him without the cops getting on our case,but now that you've started to let in the types of trainers I joined to punish,I can't do that as often anymore. If you let him in,I'm leaving." "Doctor,how long will it take to fix him??" The Doctor started sizing up the damage to my legs. "3 weeks at a minimum 6 tops. But you'll need to pay me double." Vain picked up Tank who was sitting on the ground beside me. "I'm leaving. You know damn well why." After Vain walked out. The man in the shadows demeanor changed completely. "Doctor,you will do this for normal cost,or so help me I will have you killed faster than your Gengar would be able to move. Do you understand me?" The Doctor seemed to tremble. "Understood sir." The man in the shadows said to me before he sent me away this. "Mr.Sonoin,welcome to Team Fallen."

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