part 1.5

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"Lady Oakes, how nice of you to join us," she could hear the sarcasm dipping off the male's tongue as he continued to speak, "still don't get why you're here though. No offense Downton you can't really do much"

"Tony stark, earned his fortune building weapons to which he sold to a number of organisations some of which were questionable" she began to speak, not even looking at said man. "Kidnapped to build said weapons for a terror organisation the ten rings on orders of Obadiah Stane after receiving some help from Yinsen managed to build the first prototype arc reactor and escape."

"Wait Wha-"

"As well as the first prototype iron man suit. Shall I tell you about how you were dying and had to be forcefully given a drug to reduce the spreading of the poison... shall I go on? You and pepper are currently dating and surely you should know that your girlfriend is allergic to strawberry's so why on earth you brought her some as a 'sorry' present I shall never know" she stated not even 'looking' up from her book.

"Wait! Wait a moment!" she heard said male stuttered. "How do you know that?!"

"I listen, Mr stark, I know more things that you could even comprehend. Perhaps is a skill you should learn"

"Wow you're a listener," you could feel the sarcasm dripping off the man's tongue at the comment "that doesn't explain anything"

Cecilia would roll her eyes; but they couldn't see it nor did she have any pupils. "I think that's all you need to know, you're a genius, right? Lets play a game. I'm sure you could try and work it out, I have given you some facts. Alas more in due time. Though I am sure, you will find out some more interesting facts about this lovely situation after you finished hacking into the shield database. I will warn you though, Fury has caught many bugs in his system before."

"I think she's got you there" Banner commented from his station, a small smile growing on his face.

She nodded in the direction of the male before taking a sit in the back corner away from the Sceptor, she disliked the feeling the strange powerful weapon was giving off, it felt wrong. It felt addicting. Corrupting. Yet at the same time so pure. No wonder Steve had said they should have left it in the ocean...

But it was a moved that needed to be played.

The room descend into silence, stark and banner glancing at each other warily before returning their attention to the Sceptor. Her words hovering just above their heads.

She didn't even tell the pair when the sound of heavy boots stomped on the floor. The sounds echoing in her ears. "What are you doing Mr. Stark? Doesn't seem like you're looking for the tesseract?" the fury in the man's voice drew was barely concealed as the man stepped into lab, Natasha light footed steps following suit but still a few moments away from of the room.

"uh...kind of been wondering the same thing about you" Stark stated, Banner glanced at the man before trying to defused the situation. "We are. The models locked and we're sweeping for the signature now. When we get a hit, we'll have the location within half a mile." The doctor pointing towards one of the machines besides her.

"And you'll get your cube back, no muss, no fuss" tony stated before a beeping sound from his monitor drew his attention, he didn't even wait a beat before turning to fury, "what is phase 2?"

Cecilia wonder is the scene had been rehearsed as; if on que Steve entered the room dropping what appears to be a large assault rifle onto the table. She couldn't be sure on the weapon itself as the room was way to light for her shadows to really get a felt of the weapon

"Phase two is shield uses the cube to make weapons" Steve stated with a growl before turning towards tony, "sorry the computer was moving a little slow"

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