part 1.4

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Cecilia soon found her beginning escorted to the main control room – having arrived on the giant hellicarrier half an hour before. It gave the lady time to change out of the formal dress into more accommodating clothes. A black knee length skirt and black silk blouse with black tights and slips on with her usually glasses on and cane in hand she slowly walked towards the room, turning to one of her escorted she asked the most important questions she could think of after travelling for so long, "What are the chances of some tea?"


"Here lady Oakes," her guide stated, guiding her to her seat – realistically the lady didn't need help but the women though she would humour the male as she often did.

"Thank you" she nodded, leaning her cane on the table.

"And here's your tea, sorry it's not the best, we asked some of our English agents to recommend and make it"

She shifted it, the pleasant smell wafting up her nose before taking a sip, "Yorkshire?"


"It's lovely, thank you" she smiled, being polite to the obviously uncomfortable agent – they were spies... not tea makers and at least it was a British agent who made it - she was present when an American make tea before it was uncomfortable to witness. Who put a teabag in milk and then microwaves it? That is not tea, not at all.

No one should mess with her tea.

"Thanks for joining us lady Oakes, agent jones you can go"

"It's a pleasure to finally meet you Director Fury, I'm heard so much" she stated with a small smile, placing her cup of tea down.

"Lady Oakes?" a booming voice questioned, "From the Oakes family? Descended of Wēland Oakes"

"Why yes, Wēland is family. Thor, son of Odin? I have been told much about you from Wēland" she responded in old Norse, his native language, while turning towards the voice. Completely missing the grin growing across the blonde Asgardian face. They hadn't been introduced on the plane – the group had sat in tense silence she saw no need to correct.

"I'm glad to see the line is still strong! Perhaps we can disgust how times have change over a pot of your special tea?" he asked continuing to speak in the old tongue, with a hopeful voice "Mother always loved your special concoction over all mortal teas"

"It would be my pleasure, Prince Thor"

"What just happened? What are they saying?"

"I have no idea..." two voices from her right commented. One she recognised as captain America and the other as, Bruce banner.

"Hello, Bruce. It's a pleasure to meet you. I heard lots about your gamma research, quite a few of your papers are popular at my libraries" she reverted back to English.

"Really?" he questioned in disbelief raising an eyebrow, not that she noticed.

Steve cough, before speaking up. "Shall we get back to the situation at hand?"

She nodded in his direction before taking a sip of tea. "So, Thor, What's his play?"

"He has an army called the Chitarui. They're not of Asgard nor any world known. He means to lead them against your people. They will win him the earth in return, I suspect, for the tesseract"

Cecilia frowned at the news, not liking where this was going. Like usual the shadows whispered in her ears, giving her facts bits of information, regardless of how useless the information was. Steve also sounded displease about the news of an army from outer space, while banner took off his glasses in realisation.

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