part 1.9

39 3 0

Cecilia sat on the tower, trying to follow the chaos down below but falling as everything merged together. A sighed left her lips as she let her shadows dissipate around her – instead listening about the progress though the coms.

As the captain left Natasha and clint on the bridge below, recusing those trapped in the between the gun fire as best they could.

She listening carefully though the coms as the captain gave orders to the struggling police.

"You need men in these building. There are people inside that can run into the line of fire. You take them through the basement or through the subway. You keep them off the streets. I need a perimeter as far back as 39th."

She chuckled as her shadows explained how the followed argued then followed the captains' orders before the man beat a Chituara that landed to close for comfort.

"I might as well help..." she muttered quietly to herself. "The perimeter is a far back as 39th correct?" she asked, wanting to confirm the captain's statement to the police. She never got to understand the Americans direction such as '39th' it didn't make sense to the English born and rise female.

"Yeah, why?"

"You'll hear"

She wasn't the best at this sort of thing, it being more of her brother forte but it would help clear the chaos below. Less humans caught in the cross fight so to speak.




A golden scythe appeared as the metal clanging echoed though chaos cutting though the noise like a knife.

"Hello American citizens, do not be alarmed." she spoke, her voice echoed though the heads of the public below sending calming thoughts down the network of links she just created. She spoke in a mother of all languages for all to understand. She could hear the confused commence from her team as she continued to talk. "If you are safe to do so stop and listen to my words. If not quickly fine cover. I heard that this is a great nation that fought for freedom and these aliens are trying to take that away from you! So, listen carefully, I need you to help your fellow man, woman and child! The police are making a premiered as far back as 39th street, head there if you can. Head to the basements, and underground kept out of sight of these creatures. Do not give up hope just yet, fight for your freedom and fellow humans' freedom by hiding, helping and living to see another day!"




She cut off the connection she had created, with the people below before rising a hand a vicious smile crawling across her face, "May the shadows help hide you and the blood of the enemy feed my people for times to come"

There was still a scream or two from the public below – who had gotten caught in the crossfire, but there was an air of determination that swept through the modern city. The will of survive, to fight for their freedom growing every passing moment as their hope was lifted and energy renewed.

"Is no one going to question that last part?" stark was the first to break the radio silence that descend on the mismatch group of superheroes.

"Tony, I think you have something else to worry about at the moment. The giant flying whale is very close for comfort don't you think" Cecilia responded sweetly, ignoring Thor's quizzical looks before he jumped into the skies.

The black ladyNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ