part 1.1

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Morden day time...

Fury looked towards two of his best spies before him an annoyed frown on his face as he asked them to repeat the statement. "We located the target on a private hotel beach, we planned to wait till it was less populated however the target chooses to attack. Before we could intervene-" Natasha Romanoff aka black widow was cut off by her partner, Clint Barton aka Hawkeye who pointed towards the screen.

"-we believe this woman killed him"

Fury looked at the picture of the women, she had sicky pale skin that could easily be seen on the photo due to the black bikini she wore, long straight black hair under a large wide brimmed black hat that covered part of her face. She was petite but it was the glasses and white cane in her slim hand that caused him to have doubts. It appears that the women in question was in fact blind.

"You think this blind woman is our targets killer?"

The spies exchanged glances, "watch this" Barton stated playing the video the pair has taken.

"She's way too calm, while people run away. She WALKS to him, and then this" he pointed towards the women who seemed to have raised a hand, palm forward towards their target. "We can't tell what she says, but a few seconds later, he's dead with a punctured heart without any external wounds"

"You think she powered? Enhanced?"

"It's the only thing that makes sense so far sir," black widow commented crossing her arm across her chest.

Fury looked at the pair before returning his glaze to the blurry image of the black and white women on the screen. "What do we know about her?"

"Nothing sir," Clint stated with a frown, "we can't get anything with facial recognition, her features are to covered"

"Then what are you doing standing here? Go find our mysterious women" fury ordered before turning with a flurry of leather coat.

The lady in question, laid under the parasol on the exclusive beach. The shadows of the brolly shielding her sensitive eyes from the bright sunlight, which rained down on it. Thought she dislike the brightness and the blindness that followed; she couldn't help but enjoy the warmth that the sun provided. Never since her long stay trapped in the same room whenever the opportunity to adventure out into the growing world around her, she took, no matter how unpleasant the opportunity was. Fortunately for her it was her time. She let out a deep relaxing sigh as she relaxed into her lying opposition.

How times had changed.

And she wasn't just talking about the world around her.

Instead of the bright and colour landscape she could see before being bedridden all she saw was the darkness and shadows of the world, they spoke to her, whispered secrets in her ear while bidding her commands if needed. She had become one with the shadows and darkness at her fingertips. More so than before, she had become even more closer to her family roots which she considered a bonus.

The black ladyOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora