Poststory- Our Lives

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                                                           1 year later

Marina- Turns out the world was just fine. Shannon didn't try to recreate her Aunt's apocalypse. She only wished to kill off those inside the school. After we escaped, we found out that nobody knew where we were and had no idea Hope's Peak was overtaken. Shannon and Kyojuro made videos of everyone and sent them out to the parents of the students to ensure their "safety"

                I found my parents and I couldn't be any happier. My brother instantly jumped into my lap and I cried like I did for Hankuri. I missed them so much. 

Cratos, Nikki, Victoria, and I got the word out about Shannon and the police instantly went into the school. Media grabbed hold of everything they could get their hands on. All four of us were interviewed at least three times before they felt like they had enough. What sucked is that we had to go with the police to identify the bodies, since some of them they could not recognize. One by one they pulled them out. Jowe, Svet, Julianna, Shelby, Cordell, Manoto, Tekai, Ashley and Gabby (though those two i almost couldn't recognize without their heads), Kyojuro, Hankuri, and Sabrina. Shannon didn't really have a body to collect. Looking at Jowe and Hankuri...I miss them dearly. 

           If you thought i dentifying them to the police was bad, I was the one who had to help the families of the dead students identify their kids. I couldn't help but cry with them .I have seen what has happen to each person; their deaths still haunt me to this day. I remember helping point out Julianna to her parents, who i must say were very very wealthy looking, and her mother instantly burst into tears upon seeing her daughter. Hankuri's mother...Kyoko Kirigiri, also came to me. She understood what I was going through since she had been there. 

               I heard that Kirigiri has never cried in her life, but upon seeing her daughter, that myth was broken. She didn't wail like quite a few of the others, but instead she quietly wept. I noticed that she examined her body as well, but I expect that of the top detective in the world. She walked out with me and we talked a little. Her voice was stern but caring. "Hankuri was just like me in almost every way. When she was accepted into the school, she instantly asked me to do background checks of everyone. Naegi, your father, was my best friend, still to this day. He knew to watch out for despair and yet it somehow slipped in.  Hearing that he was killed almost made me collapse. I went to your mother, who was the sister of Celestia Ludenberg, one of the deceased members of the orginal Hope's Peak disaster, and she was more concerned about you. Of course I was too. I've known you longer than you probably remember with the effects of the amnesia wearing off. Trust me, it takes years to get back all that Shannon stole. But Marina, Hankuri loved you. She loved you more than i could possibly say. When she found out you were going to Hope's Peak, the first thing she told me was she was going to protect you at all costs. No matter what the risks. And it looks like she kept to her baby girl did me proud. She did what I did for your father twenty years back, only this time she couldn't fight back. What was the last name of the child who killed her?" 

                I was crying and my throat was blocked, yet somehow I responded. "Fukawa, I think. Her files said it was hard to pin a name to her since she switched personalities so often."

                 Kirigiri closed her eyes. "Fukawa. Toko Fukawa's daughter, I should have known. Fukawa and I still speak to each other. She was also a survivor along with me. I hear she is with Togami now, but that doesn't shock me. But that girl must have had a split personality and it was certainly murderous. I do not blame her though. Shannon is to blame for this. Despair does terrible things to a young mind and unfortunately, it had hold of that poor child." 

                  I saw a tear slip from her eye. "Marina, I've always cared for you, like you were my daughter. You being Naegi's child made me love you even more. An when I found out you and Hankuri were together, I was extremely happy. Marina, you were her hope. She...she was going to marry you after you both graduated school. Hankuri...she bought you a ring before she left...I just..." 

                     She began heavily crying as she handed me a small box with shaking hands. I looked inside and there lay a beautiful diamond ring. There was something written on the inside of the ring. "My love, my hope" 

                        I was crying just as much as she was. I took off Hankuri's locket and tried to hand it to Kirigiri. "Please take it. It was her's....I took it off of her while she was in the morgue of the school."

                        She shook her head at me. "No, I can't. It wouldn't be right. Hold onto it, for me at least. Marina, I know my girl is with me now. She's watching both of us and trust me, she will never let you go. I must go now. If you ever need anything, you are always welcomed in my house." 

                   Her talk with me made me understand so much more about Hankuri and miss her even more. The next bit of emotions came from Jowe's mother. She was the only one who came for I know what that means. I was crying the moment I saw her. When I showed her Jowe's body, she instantly wailed. She was in bad shape, so I talked with her. "Ma'am, Jowe was my best friend. I can't imagine how you feel right now. He did tell me to tell you something. He entrusted me to. He told me to tell you he loves you very much and that he will always be watching over you. He wanted me to meet you; he thought you would like that." 

                    She looked at me with red eyes. "You're the girl who save them kids. They told me you be the one who tried to protect my little boy." She instanlty hugged me. "Thank you for protecting him for as long as ya could. And thank you for being his friend." 

                     It pained me to, but I took off Jowe's locket and placed it in her hand. She looked at it for the longest time and opened it, seeing the two pictures inside; her holding him and me and him having fun. She began crying again, hugging me tighter. "Thank you, dearie. I will be seeing you soon. You are welcome on my farm anyday." 

                     I smiled and left. 

             A year has passed since then. I have stayed in touch with Cratos, Nikki, and Victoria, them still being my friends. Cratos is working in a steel company, I honestly don't know the name but it supplies the world with the best steel. He found a girlfriend and I will be attending the wedding as a bridesmaid. Nikki stayed out of the military but owns a small business, a rather popular one now, where she makes and repairs clothing. I have three of my dresses fixed up by her and I couldn't even tell they had ripped. Victoria and I hang out often. She is at every con now, usually one of the panel members and her cosplay makes her unrecognizable. Her and I are going as Naruto and Gaara next con. 

                  As for me, I have just laid back. I work part-time for Nikki, helping her out when she needs it and I share a small apartment with Victoria. But I tend to visit Kirigiri and Jowe's mom often. I seem to put a light in their eyes when I come. As for Hankuri and Jowe, I visit them too, everyday. 

                       It is cold today. I can see the my breath in the wind. I'm sipping at my hot peach tea, sitting in front of Jowe and Hankuri, just letting the time tick by. They are sitting next to me too, like they tend to when I am here. They are always here for me, as I am always here for them. I look at my watch, knowing I have to get going for work. I stand up and look at sky. "I love you both." 

                        I leave a white rose for them everyday, right in front of their tombstones. And I leave Hankuri a little kiss here and there. 

                I take one final look at their tombstones  before walking away. Something feels off. Usually these visits are  calm but today I feel different. I feel as though someone needs my help..

                                                                        The End

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