Episode 12

413 12 12

Marina- I was almost drowned in a wave of "Are you ok?!" 's.

           Cratos- Marina! Oh my god, are you ok?!

           Victoria- What happened? –pulls Marina into a hug-

            Nikki- Easy on her Victoria. She was hungry and dehydrated and a whole lot of other things.

             Marina- There was a huge cloud of guilt hovering around me. I was willing to hurt anyone for Hankuri's death. "I...I am so sorry..." I was crying now and I had to sit in a chair. My legs were weak from lack of nutrients. "I...wanted to see anyone...Sabrina die. I was so angered...I was pulled into the despair...I don't hate her...even after..."

 I fell from the chair on the floor bawling. Everyone kneeled down next to me. I suddenly felt anger rise from deep within. There will be no more murders! I will stop this once in for all! But I need to get better first.

               Victoria- Don't apologize Marina. We understand. You have lost so much since you have gotten here and yet you have handled it better than any of us.

               Cratos- Monokuma took away the closest thing you had here. It would have shocked us if you didn't act the way you did.  We were shocked to learn that Hankuri was your girlfriend. We would have never been surprised if we knew. I doubt Sabrina knew.

                Nikki- Sabrina was my best friend...I still voted for her. For my life and for your pain. We are the only ones left...and I wouldn't be surprised if Monokuma started taking matters into his own hands.

                  Marina- I finally pulled myself up off the floor and wiped my curls and dress off. I whispered. "Listen to me. We are going to get out of here once and for all. We will give Monokuma what he deserves, for all of this...for all of our friends. Start gathering up anything that may be important for evidence. Once I get my strength back, I will challenge Monokuma. We will get out!"

                    Cratos- I'm in all the way!

                  Nikki- I'm in too!

                 Victoria- I'm going to knock the...

                Marina- And that was the start to our investigation. I ate, and quite a bit too, and went on towards my room. But that is when I remembered. Hankuri's key! I still had it. I walked to her room and unlocked her door. A flood of memories rushed passed me and I tried to hold back the tears. Just a few days ago I was here with her. Before she died. I remember she told me the files were in her drawer. I opened it and saw something peculiar. It was two photographs. One showed...Jowe, Shelby, and Cordell playing video games with Sabrina and Nikki in the background. The next on was Shanon and Manoto at a table, Cratos and Tekai dancing, Viviana doing her makeup and...me and Hankuri holding each other. Everyone looks happy and the areas don't look familiar. Are these forged pictures? I put them on her bed and grabbed the file out of her drawer.  I sat down and opened the folder. The first file to appear was Nikki's. I began reading it. "Nikki Ichigo, age 17. Joined boot camp when she was 10 and graduated at 12. Became a military general at 15, making her the youngest in the world. After toppling a city, she was place under witness protection and became a world class seamstress. We chose her for her bravery and natural skills. Nikki does have trouble with trust and friendship, despite her caring side. Practicing in the medical field for a few months gives her enough knowledge to tend to most wounds. She will protect those she trust and will risk everything, including her life, for their safety. She was chosen out of 200,000 students for this spot." Holy crap. I continued to read files.

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