Episode 14 pt.1

469 11 6

*Author's note- This episode will be in Kyojuro's point of view. *

Kyojuro- My name is Kyojuro Komaeda and I am Super High School level Despair, but my real talent is Math Genius. At eighteen years of age I'm one of the best mathematicians in the world. I've had chances to work for the military and space program, but here I am. I have short black hair, green eyes, and dark grey framed glasses. I sport a grey hoodie and black jeans. I know, not really exciting but who is going to see me anyways? I work with Shannon Enoshima who has been my best friend for years now. What do I do?

While Shannon is downstairs pretending to be one of those insignificant students, I am controlling Monokuma. No offense to Shannon, but she isn't exactly up to my genius self. All of this is a highly intelligent procedure with a plethora of variables and equations to work through.

Today is the first day the students "arrive" and boy will they be in for a surprise. I am watching on the monitor in front of me as the students start introducing themselves. Oh god, there is a guy down there, covered in dirt and filth. In my files, it says he is a farmer. Great...

So far none of them seems to remember anything. It looks like my calculations were correct. Shannon wanted to give them double the dosage of the amnesia formula, but I warned her it would make them forget everything. She didn't like that I was correct, but then again I am always correct 86.7% of the time. She's correct less than 50% of the time.

The last student had just spoke up, so I activated Monokuma. I put on my headset and made the first announcements. Of course everyone thought it was ridiculous to have a stuffed animal boss them around, but I don't make up to rules here. I loved hearing the cries and yells after I told them their lives are basically over. This job fills me with joy as I spread melancholy all throughout their unintelligent bodies. Shannon is fitting in pretty well down there. She has makeup all over her face though. I don't get that. Who is going to guess she is the Mastermind this early? She seriously does not think.

Now the fun has just begun. The otaku, umm Vicky...no Victoria, yeah that is her name. She is trying to act all badass and what not, so I activated the bomb in the bear. Ok, I know Shannon would not be happy if I blew up one of the students already, but c'mon! If my calculations are correct, blowing someone up at this moment would raise the chance for future murders by 15%, there by leaving only a 10% chance of survivors. I laugh. There aren't going to be any survivors.

Victoria ended up throwing the bear because the gamer, what's her name...Shelby, told her to throw it. I must have missed the possibility of someone realizing it was a bomb. Eh, it will help with future calculations. But look at the look on her face. It is priceless. Oh...Shannon was glaring into the camera. Well, she isn't here to make the rules. I brought Monokuma back after I threatened their lives and watched the monitors. There were two students that I wanted to keep a close eye on. Shannon wouldn't have the same thoughts as I would but Hankuri and Marina need close surveillance. Shannon is in this to avenge her Aunt, so she chose all of the descendants or family of past victims or survivors. She was unfortunate to get all of them, but she did get some major ones. Marina Naegi, the daughter of Makoto Naegi, or better known as the SuperHigh School level Hope. He ultimately defeated Junko Enoshima and escaped with 5 other students, one of those students being Kyoko Kirigiri. Her father was the original priniciple of Hope's Peak Academy and was the one who wanted to protect the students from the horror of the outside world that Junko and Mukuro created. Little did Junko know that the outside world was already fixing itself, little by little. Kyoko Kirigiri's daughter, Hankuri, is also here in the school. I may have blocked their memories of the past, but I am concerned that she may unlock the secrets. She is a detective after all.

Day two. I have decided to stir the students up a bit, make them want to leave. If my calculations are correct, this disturbance will cause at least one student's mind to increase in insatiability. Shannon and I had taken there memories of coming to this school and some of what they loved most, creating a simulation of a scream based on the voices. In all actuality, most of their parents, friends, or fans were still alive. Of course, I will not let them know that. I looked at all of the monitors, deciding on whom to stir up first. I grabbed the can of Carbonated Coffee I had next to me and took a swig. I haven't slept since I have gotten here. I noticed Marina looking a bit uneasy in her sleep. I gave a wide smile and pressed the button that turned on the intercom in her room. "Good morning you little bitch."

DanganRonpa- The Despair of My Life *COMPLETE*Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora