★ Chapter 30

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It was Friday afternoon which means last day of of school for the week. All week Harry's has been jittery about his date with Dylan.

They all was at Harry's house, inside his room helping him pick out his clothes.

"What about this one?" Harry said while pulling out a black shirt. "or this one." he pulled out another shirt. "or maybe-"

"Harry!" Niall laughed. "Don't be so nervous."

"How can I not be nervous? Dylan is wow and I-"

"Look look amazing." Liam said, cutting off Harry mid sentence.

Zayn and Louis laid on Harry's bed, playing around with his phone. A familiar ping came from Harry's phone indicating that he has a new message.

"Oh look, a new message from Dylan!" Louis said, singing out Dylan's name.

As soon as Harry heard Dylan's name come from Louis mouth he snapped his head towards Louis direction in an instant. "What he say?!"

Zayn laughed at Harry, "Keep doing that thing you do with your neck as soon as you hear Dylan, you'll break it one day."

"Whatever, but what he say!" Harry wined.

"He said, 'hey, I'm ready. are you?' and then he said, 'oh and text me ya address ha' with a smiley face." Zayn read the message.

Harry slapped his forehead, "We've texted nonstop and I never brought up to tell him my address."

"It's okay, Zayn can text it to him while you-" Niall shoved some clothes to Harry's face. "-try this on."

Harry nodded and walked to the bathroom that was connected to his room. Trying out the clothes Niall offered him.

While Harry was changing the res of the boys were patiently waiting for Harry to come out.

"There, just texted the address, he said he'll be here in 20 minutes." Zayn said as he put down Harry's phone.

"I'm nervous for Harry!" Niall said, placing his hand over his chest.

"Don't be Harry's date gonna go well." Zayn said placing a small kiss to Niall's lips. Somewhat calming him down.

Harry came walking out of the bathroom doing some kind of weird dance moves making everyone laugh.

"Harry, what the actual hell are you doing?" Liam laughed.

"Showing off my goooods!" Harry said while making another weird pose.

"Harry oh lord. Do another pose like that and your skinny jeans will pop." Louis said as Harry stood up straight.

"You guys aren't being supportive to me." Harry pouted.

"You look amazing Harry." Zayn said sincere. Giving a small genuine smile small to Harry who smiled back with a blush. "Really?"

"Really." Zayn said making Harry pull Zayn into a hug.

"Maybe 'really' can be our always." Harry whispered into Zayns ear, but Niall still heard it.

"Hey!" Niall said, pulling Zayn away from Harry and into his arms in a protective/jealous way. "this hunk is taken. Go quote The Faults In Our Stars with someone else!"

"Trust me I don't want Zayn, honey. I'm way out of his league." Harry joked as he flipped his hair back with his hand.

"Hey!" Zayn said fake hurt. Placing his hand over his heart but ended up intertwining his fingers with Niall.

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