★ Chapter ②①

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Finally here's the update woo! :)

* 3rd Person

As soon as the last period ending bell rang every kid ran out of their classes and out of the school.

There's nothing more students love to do it eat, sleep and on the Internet.

All the boys, minus Harry, were all at the little tree near the school to go to Naniko Cafe. The cafe wasn't that far so they can easily walk there.

A few blocks never killed nobody.

"Ya lads ready to go?" Liam asked as Louis was giving him a small peck on the cheek.

"Yup" Louis and Zayn said in sync.

Zayn looked at Niall who was lost in space. Slowly Zayn shook his lost boyfriend out of his trance.

"You okay babe?" Zayn asked as Niall nodded.

"Yeah Zee, just have a feeling Harry's news won't be so good" Niall said a bit worried with a mix of another emotion Zayn couldn't quite put his foot into.

"I bet it's nothing. Probably just going to show off his bandana or something" Zayn laughed and kissed Niall's lips.

"Yeah, you're probably right" Niall smiled and hugged Zayn's sides.

"Alright let's go see what's Harry's 'big' surprise" was the last thing said before walking towards the direction of Naniko Cafe.


As soon as the boys arrived to the not so little cafe they were greeted by a few waiters and waitresses.

Naniko was a big cafe with a style of Japanese culture. Every waiters were wearing some kind of robotic car ears and a small Japan flag on their apron.

The scenery was seriously put of this world. It looks old and worn out in the outside but so fancy and new in the inside. It had random statutes of 7 samurais and two big shinny red katanas near the cashier.

I guess nobody's robing this place, ha ha ha... •-•

"Table for four?" One of the waiter named Shung asked.

"Ehm, no we're here for a friend" Zayn said while the other boys were looking around for Harry.

"What's your friends name, I think I'll find them" Shung asked with a smile.

"Harry" Liam replied.

"Harry what?" Shing asked while flipping through today's reservations.

"Harry Sty-" Louis got cut off by Niall saying, well more like screaming,

"There he is!" Niall said while pointing at Harry sitting at the far end with 5 extra seats.

But you can tell one of the five seats was occupied. It had someone's belongs on it.

"Enjoy your stay here at Naniko Cafe" Shung said sounding like a bellboy at a hotel.

"Hey Harry" Niall said as he sat crossed legged on the greenish pillow on the floor follows by the other boys.

"Hey Niall, lads" Harry waved at Niall and the other lads.

"Hey Harry" the other boys said.

"Why are we here?" Niall asked wanting to get to it.

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