"Out Da Window"

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A/N: Okay so Trigger Warning Torture and blood. And this is a longer chapter! Sorry for only having Percy and Peter's POV's in this one but I had struggles making it someone's else's POV. Plus Peter's POV just worked out for this chapter.

Percy Jackson POV 


I was too late to save them.

All of them every single one of my friends.


They flashed before my eyes, 







I was almost to the water I couldn't start "dreaming" on the ground people would worry and that would lead to trouble.

I failed.

I fell scraping my knees, adding more pain to my suffering. 

I got up and ran towards the water once more, blood trickling down my legs.

I slammed into the ground again, hoping someone would get me in the water.

Annabeth grabbed me and dragged me into the water. Thank the Gods of Olympus.

Once I was in the water she tried to bring me out of it.

"Percy! Percy, it's okay I'm right here-"

I tried to listen I really did, but all I could think of was how I failed them all. 



My breathing quickened and I hoped that she would be able to pull me out of it before IT happened.

Too late.

My body collapsed into a unconsics heap as I was pulled into endless pain.

Inside I was still conscious, at least a lit bit.

Ow. I thought as a stabbed in the stomach with a poisoned dagger. Warm blood mixed with burning poison, bringing me to my knees.

Faster than lightning the poison spread through my body killing me in a second that seemed like eternity. 

I felt strong arms wrap around me. 

I could hear someone speaking quietly into my ear, soothing my pain.

"-I promise"

Well I hope that was a good promise cause I was gonna hold them to it.

The "dream" ended and my vision went black as I fell into a dreamless sleep.

Peter Parker POV

1 hour earlier

Loki grabbed the M.C.U box and chucked it out the window.

Okay not what I had planned.


All of us could hear Mr.Stark coming down the hallway now, but luckily Loki could come up with much better plans than I could on the fly.

He made us invisible and pushed us into a corner of Natasha's bedroom,he then created a copy of us playing sorry.

I (NOT ME) was red faced and scolding Loki for sorrying me, when Mr.Stark walked in and interrupted "me".

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