Where's Leo?

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A/N: I hope you enjoy this story, and I'm gonna make all of my Author's notes as short as possible because I know that I hate long Author's notes. Also


As this is a Percy Jackson Avengers crossover you will see




Possible depression

Please be aware of this if you get triggered by these things while you are reading the story!

GRAMMAR NAZI'S you are welcome here! Please if I get something wrong, or use incorrect grammar comment! I will also read all of your comments, so any suggestions I will definitely take into consideration.

Well Enjoy the Story!

Percy Jackson POV

I had just finished battling Dirt Face when I heard an explosion and the sound of Hazel screaming. I ran towards the sound of both, praying that they were all okay.

 I saw Hazel hysterically sobbing on the ground. 

I saw the rest of the seven advancing on a skinny boy I knew but disliked very, very, much.


When I saw Hazel slowly get up, shove everybody out of her way and stab Octavian with a long piece of metal, she summoned from somewhere,  I just turned away. 

And that's when it hit me. Where is Leo? I counted everybody again and realized Leo was missing. I had heard a big explosion on my way here, and Hazel's sobbing.

 Oh Gods. 

<><><><>Line Break!<><><><>

3 Months after Gaea's Defeat

I awoke in cabin 3 at camp half-blood, drenched in sweat. I had watched as... as I witnessed every possible outcome of the war, Including the deaths of my friends.

It didn't seem like a dream either, and us demi-gods have weird dreams. It was like I was seeing through alternate realities. 

I got up and pulled a sweatshirt over my head

 I decided that I would try to find my Wise Girl, and make sure she was okay. 

I sneakily, raced to the Athena cabin, if that's even possible.

<><><><>Line Break<><><><>

3 weeks after Percy's nightmare

Peter Parker POV

I was having a great day. Note the sarcasm.

So far I had, hit my head on the ceiling, woke up 15 minutes late, gotten detention, lost my internship badge, and managed to anger the Flash, resulting in a harsher beating than usual.

I felt just peachy.

As soon as I made that mental list in my head I was depressed and needed some expressio, but then my spirits were quickly lifted by what day it was. Today is Friday! I get to see Mr.Sta- I mean Tony!  

Despite the events that had happened earlier in the day,I happily skipped over to my locker, and started to put in the code when I heard Ned's voice beside me.

 "Join me and together we shall build a Lego death star!" 

 "Really?!? That's awesome!" I responded. 

"Maybe over the weekend we could build it together?"

I was ecstatic,"Yes! -I mean, of course! Sure, I'll come over!"

I did my handshake with Ned and we parted ways, myself walking the half a block to the place where Happy picks me up every Friday, Ned walked to the parking lot where his mom waits for him in their SUV to pick him up everyday.

Putting my headphones in and listening to, Led Zeppelin? I can't remember, I only know that it is Mr.Star- Tony's favorite thing to listen to in the lab. I started to walk towards the sleek black car that's my ride to the tower.

I opened the car door and accidently hit my head on the roof of the car, I started to let out a curse when I heard my phone go oof. I picked up my phone listening to the pleasant sound of the roblox oof sound that tells me that I have a message.

I opened my phone using the most secure password, R.I.PVine,wemissyou and clicking on my messenger icon, I saw that I had a message from Steve.

Steve: Don't you do it

Peter: Do what?

Steve: You know what not to do

Steve: Yeah know don't

Steve: Curse

An exasperated sigh escaped my lips and happy, looked worriedly towards me. "Mr. Steve America Rogers Sir Captain was just telling me not to swear, and honestly how does he even know when someone is about to swear?"

Happy just nodded and pressed a button that put up the divider that prevented me from rambling continuously.

Leaning my head on the window, I was slowly lulled to sleep by the chaotic traffic of New York city.

Only to be awakened by the car flying into a building and the sound of a very, very, large explosion.

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