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Tony Stark POV


I was sitting in my lab working on adding a new program to Peter's suit and waiting for him to avvired for the "interenship" when an explosion rocked the tower. I tried to grab the suit, but the vulnerable suit had already been crushed by a large chunk of the tower.

I called my suit to me, ready to beat whichever avenger's stupid ass had blown up the tower this time (Long story). I flew out of the tower, having FRIDAY survey the suroundings. Looking at the things that FRIDAY had pointed out to me, I didn't see an Avenger (suprisingly), I saw a guy with Raven hair and an amazing tan trying to disable a giant slingshot which had fired at my tower.

I landed with a loud thunk about 10 feet away from this guy. I walked towards him, charging my repulsor on the high setting, anybody how DARED to blow up stark tower deserved the taste of my repulsor. 

As I walked closer I realized that there are two people in on this, one was the guy I saw from the air ,but I could now see a girl with an equally amazing tan and blond frizzy hair assisting the boy in disabling the giant slingshot.

I marched right up to them. Before I could severely injure one of them the slingshot turned into shards of wood and either blew away or got absorbed into the ground. 

Shocked, I aimed my repulsor at the boy. He turned and I saw all of his freatures that I couldn't see from the air. Raven hair, sea green eyes, an amazing tan, and a pen?

It looked like he was about to introduce himself to me but his eyes wided in shock and confusion as my repulsor fired. "Oh gods, not again" I heard him say before my repulsor hit him and sent him flying into traffic.

Peter Parker POV


I was making sure that there were no cars before I crossed the road, as every good person does, when Iron man arrived at the scene. He looked at the kids who looked about my age, and charged his repulsors.

Percy stabbed the Hydra in the back and started to walked towards Mr.Stark about to introduce himself.

 "Oh gods not again." he said and was flung almost directly towards me, into traffic. Again. The girl screamed his name, and I realized that I had to do something.

I walked to the place were percy was about to crash land and braced myself to catch him. He landed in my arms and I set him on his feet. Only for him to collapse.

This time I propped him up on the edge of a build that wasn't on fire, or damaged, or collapsed.

"Excuse me!!!" I yelled at the girl. She found me and Percy and began leaping over and through traffic, jumping over cars that got in her way. 

She made it and introduced herself as Percy's girlfriend, Annabeth. She turned to percy and pulled out water, a golden liquid, and a blondie thing. 

"What were you thinking Seaweed Brain?"

"I was hoping the guy was clear sighted, Wise girl."

He gave her a goofy smile and she poured water on his wounds and fed him the blondie and the golden stuff. I watched all this occur in amazement, his wounds healing themselves without help.

My brain clicked and I said "What's the golden stuff, it healed your wounds with the water really well." Annabeth looked at me "What?" she questioned, glaring at me like I was about to kill them.

"Well with the snake thing and the golden stuff I assume that you guys are have special powers and stuff and are maybe genetically modified humans, that would make sense. And-"

She cut me off and gave me a a small white box from her satchel. "What's this for?" I wondered out loud. Suprisingly she answered me "The instructions are on the inside of the box, just follow them if you wanna contact us". Mr.Stark, started to walk towards us and she and Percy stuck their hands into a shadow and disappeared.

"Pete?" I heard da-Mr.Stark say. I walked towards him wincing slightly, because of the car crash. His suit retraced and he sprinted towards me, I shoved the white box in my hoodie pocket and walked as fast as I could.

Mr.Stark grabbed my shoulders and inspected me very closely for injuries. "We gotta get you to the medbay kid". My adrenaline wearing off I started to slump to the ground but Mr.Stark grabbed me and flew us back to Stark Tower.

Percy Jackson POV


Thank the Gods that Nico was Patrolling the Shadows when I got hurt, otherwise that crazy tin can would have killed us. 

Nico pulled us out of the shadows and into the Big House. Annabeth ran to go get Chiron and I was forced to lay down and rest, much against my will, but I didn't really wanna get judo flipped.

I think I saw Annabeth give Peter Parker a MCU, I made them in such cases in which a mortal with clear sight could contact us and get an explaination.

It stands for 

M ortal

C aw

U s

Okay, so Caw should be Saw, but while I was making them Annabeth pointed out the I spelt Saw incorrectly and I told her that I didn't care. She tried to convince me to change it but I refuse. It is one of the few ways I can manage not getting beat up and being able to annoy her.

Besides MCU has a nice ring to it doesn't it?

Nico was sitting next to me waiting for Will to come into the room so that I could get proper treatment.

Speak of the underworld king here he comes.

"Nico, where HAVE you been?!" Will yelled and even I winced.

"Percy! Nice to see your alive."  I nodded at him slightly terrified for Nico.

"Bed Empty, No Note, Sword gone! You could have DIED!"

" Of course I don't blame you Percy." 

He then grabbed Nico's ear and started dragging him towards the Hades cabin.

I on the other hand decided to go into the world of not so blissful sleep. Hoping to not get a yelling like that from Annabeth, I drifted off.

Loyalty (PJO and Avengers Crossover)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ