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There Snufkin and My stood together, their clothes still a little damp from falling into the stream. My had her arms crossed and her eyebrows furrowed, looking at the huge trees that stood parted in different places infront of them. "Here. You were talking to yourself here. Can I go home now." Little My asked in what seemed like a whiny and annoyed voice.

"No, you're coming with me." Snufkin answered and My groaned. "Why don't you get Moomin to go instead, you two could make out on there or somethin." My said before Snufkin hit her upside the head. She spat out a quick ow before hitting Snufkin back on his arm. "I showed you the spot, i have things to do I don't wanna go on a wild goose chase with you Snufkin." My stated and Snufkin let out a soft sigh. "Ok fine, I'll go with Moomin instead." He said and Little My smirked, proud of her victory. "Yeah ok great, just don't die out there." Little My gave as a final comment before she began to walk away.

Moomin and Snufkin stood at the small parting in the trees before heading in, keeping up a small conversation as they walked down a slightly made path. It somehow seemed like this part of the woods hadn't been explored by anyone, even though Moomin could've sworn he'd entered around this place before.

"Well, thanks for coming with me, Dove." Snufkin said in a bit of a quite tone and Moomin nodded silently, watching his feet as he walked as to not step on anything that shouldn't be stepped on. "So do you know what we're looking for?" Moomin pipped up while Snufkin helped him get over a large fallen log. Snufkin shook his head softly. "I was hoping we'd run upon something and it triggered memories, or I could find my hat and coat laying around somewhere." Snufkin answered, he felt like he was exposed without his items.

The two boys continued walking on what seemed to be a makeshift path, there were tree limbs tossed out of the way and who ever made it seemed to have walked back and forth for a while to get the grass patted down quite a bit. The farther Snuf went with Moomin, he began feeling like there was gonna be something there Moomin wasn't supposed to see.

He started to feel a nervousness plague him like he was about to propose or something. And he felt himself stop where he stood, Moomin flinching behind Snuf causing the blue eyed boy to almost fall when he needed to stop abruptly.  "Snuf? What's wrong, why'd you stop?" Moomin asked regaining his balance as Snufkin seemed to be rather tense.

Snufkin shook the thought away and quickly apologized to Moomin, looking around where they were. The path seemed to die off a little aways from where they were, so Snufkin decided to at least walk till down there. "It's weird, these woods look completely unfamiliar." Moomin pointed out as he made his way back to Snufkin's side.

Snufkin agreed and his eyes got caught on something. It wasn't what he was looking for, but it looked completely worth going off track for. Snufkin took Moomin's hand and led him over to the clearing he saw, and once he got past a few trees it looked absolutely beautiful.

"Woah" Moomin let out a soft gasp, looking around the lovely place carefully. It was a small opening in a rather tightly nit together circle of trees and there was moss all over the ground. Which moss wasn't out of the normal, of course not, but it was such a beautiful green that stretched out across the entire area. It looked like a good resting spot, a nice little place you could stay and be calmed by the nature around you.

Moomin took a double take back to the small part they had walked through. "Its like we went through a fairy ring, it's so different." Moomin spoke up causing Snufkin to look back into the entrance aswell. "Oh, well I guess fairy rings are usually just on the ground with the mushrooms, aren't they." Moomin mumbled to himself, trying to remember what he had read about them instead of paying attention in a class. "wait you aren't supposed to enter fairy rings are you? But so what are those portal thingys.." Moomin began to ramble to himself causing Snufkin to smile a little at the boy.

Snufkin listened to Moomin try to remember things as he walked farther into the little area, Moomin to stuck in his head to notice Snufkin moving away. Moomin was right, it felt completely different in here then it did out of it. Although, the change didn't worry Snufkin, it actually calmed him. He felt like he could trust this place with anything, he didn't feel uneasy or worried, just calmed. Snufkin glanced over, a sparkle of light green catching his eye. "Ah! My hat and coat!" He called out excitedly, the boy walked over to his items as his yells made Moomin ground himself back into the world.

"What? Yay you found your stuff!" Moomin spoke up happily, watching Snufkin bend over to pick his things up from inbetween three trees. "I wonder how they got out here, I don't remember this spot at all." Snufkin said mostly to himself but it was loud enough for Moomin to hear aswell. Moomin thought for a second, looking back at the entrance and noticed how the rather small entrance did look a bit rounder than would be normal as branches curved around the hole in them.

"Don't you think it's kind of weird that Little My said you were talking to yourself facing this way, we walked only for a little bit straight forward, found a path, and the path ended a little ways from this spot where your stuff is and the atmosphere changes almost completely?" Moomin questioned, walking over to Snufkin as he shook off his coat and checked around it before putting it on. He looked at Moomin before glancing away, holding his hat limply in his hand. "Yeah.. I guess that is kinda weird." Snufkin agreed, scratching his cheek carefully with his finger.

The two boys looked at eachother before their eyes landed on a spot where they heard a stick get broken under somethings weight. Snufkin watched as a persons figure came up to the entrance. A girls face scrunched up and she put her hands on her hips as she leaned in to see the two. "What are y'all doing here?" She piped up and Moomins fear washed away as he smiled, realizing who it was. Snufkin looked at his older sister with a slightly surprised face, first Joxter came now Mymble Jr was here?

"We were looking for my hat and coat, why are you in the woods?" Snufkin asked her and she shrugged a little. "Felt like something was calling to me and decided I might as well go see." She answered in her soft voice, moving her hands to hold them both infront of her as she watched Moomin and Snufkin stand there while Snufkin put back on his hat. "Oh, makes sense I guess." Snufkin nodded slightly, wondering why everything was so weird and it's totally not because the author is 3/4ths still asleep all the time and cannot fucking spell or tell letters apart at the moment because apparently dyslexia is a thing and apparently they fucking have it.

"Well I guess we can head back now Snuf, would you like to come back with us Mymble?" Moomin asked and Mymble smiled sweetly at him. "I'd love to Moomin." She agreed, stepping out of the way as the two others got out of the spot they had discovered. "How have you been?" Moomin decided to ask as they began walking out of the woods. "Great, how about you?" Mymble answered, keeping up a small chatter as they walked back to Moominhouse.

Snufkin paused, his eyes shifting back as Moomin and Mymble continued to walk forward. Snufkin turned around sharply, beginning to walk back the way they had began. Moomin looked back after a minute, realizing he hadn't heard Snufkin at all. "Snuf you ok?-" Moomin looked confused as he could no longer see the other, Mymble following his gaze.

"Where did Snufkin go? I didn't even hear him walk away." Mymble mumbled, a little more to herself than anything else. "I don't know, maybe-" "Whats taking y'all so long?" Moomin looked back I felt of him, seeing Little My there with her arms crossed. "My- why did you come??" Moomin squinted at her, they hadn't been gone that long.

"Well I definitely wasn't worried." My stated growing annoyed as Moomin rolled his eyes. "Ok, sure." "Where's Snufkin? Oh yeah, hi Mymble." Little My waved her hand unenthusiastically at her sister. "Hi My." Mymble said back, still looking back to find a sign of Snufkin.

✨Ahah I fucking hate this book✨

sorry I was dead for so long-
Yeah, this sucks, my apologies

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