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Snufkin and Moomin had walked back together. And  when they both went separate ways, Moomin heading to Snorkmaiden's house and Snufkin going back to his tent.

When Snufkin opened his tent, he saw his sister and dad in it. "Did y'all just let yourselves in??" Snufkin asked although he really wasn't surprised about it. "Yeah. You got a problem with it?" My asked, please shoving something into Snufkin's backpack.

"Snufkin, shes literally bullying me." Joxter said, watching My glare at him. "Aren't you a grown ass man?" My snapped at him while Snufkin watched the scene unfold.

"Aren't you a little girl?" Joxter said back, crossing his arm. "Call me little again and I will bite you." My snapped back it Joxter, and Snufkin rolled his eyes.

"Ok! Tell me what happened." My demanded, turning her entire body to look at Snufkin. "Do I have a choice.." Snufkin asked, plopping down next to Little My.

Little My was about to open her mouth but before she could speak Snufkin pipped up. "We kissed again." He said quickly causing My to smirk.

Moomin flopped back on Snorkmaiden's bed, causing her to screech and fall off of it. "What the fuck Moomin! Why are you in my room and how did you even get up here!?" Snorkmaiden asked, standing up and crossing her arms.

"Snork let me in and I need to talk to you!" Moomin said all giddy like, crossing his legs and watching as Snorkmaiden looked at him confused.

"Ok, scoot over and tell me why you decided to brake into my house and wake me from my nap." Snorkmaiden said, sitting back down into her bed and throwing her legs into Moomin's lap so she could sit comfortably.

Moomin's face flushed red and he smiled, looking down at his lap,, or more like Snorkmaiden's legs. "Well spit it out already Moomin!" Snorkmaiden smiled, getting interested into what happened even if she didn't know.

"I kissed Snufkin!" Moomin finally said, he was acting like a middleschool girl who's crush came out to her first. Snorkmaiden's eyes widened. "YOU kissed HIM!?" She asked surprised, her smile growing larger.

"I just,, he asked if we could kiss again—" "AGAIN!?" "Yes, keep up, and he was flustered and I don't know why but I just grabbed his collar and pulled him in and kissed him!" Moomin said happily, covering his face to hide the insane amount of blush in his face.

"Oh my god! That's amazing Moomin!" Snorkmaiden started and Moomin could tell she wanted to say something else. "So is he a good kisser?" "SNORKMAIDEN I SWEAR—" Moomin yelled, his face showing how flustered he was.

"What! Snufkin barely even talks to ones other than you I just wanna know!" She whined, but her smile didn't falter. "You're hopeless Snorkmaiden!" Moomin groaned, letting himself fall onto his back altogether his legs stayed where they were.

It was silent for a good minute.

"Well is he?" Snorkmaiden asked again, looking at Moomin as the other stared at the girls ceiling. "Yes." Moomin answered, his voice soft but confident.

Snorkmaiden smiled and rested her head in her hand. "So, are y'all a thing?" She asked, crossing her legs and readjusting them on Moomin's lap as she waited for an answer.

"I don't know.." Moomin answered truthfully while Snorkmaiden nodded in response. "Wait, wait, wait, so you grabbed him by the collar and kissed him!?" Snorkmaiden asked, looking Moomin in the eyes.

"Y-yea.." Moomin said, scratching his cheek awkwardly. "YOU." Snorkmaiden's voice raised in surprise and Moomin set up.  "Yeah..?" Moomin's voice was pretty questioning since he didn't know where Snorkmaiden was going with it.

"Damn Moomin, you're bold." She said simply, seeing Moomin get even more flustered. "Shush it Snorkmaiden your just mad you haven't kissed My yet!" Moomin snapped back at her, causing Snorkmaiden to blush.

"DONT YOU TRY ME MOOMIN I'LL EXPOSE YOUR ASS TO SNUFKIN SO FAST YOU WONT KNOW I LEFT THIS ROOM!" Snorkmaiden said, pointing at him. "OH DONT YOU FUCKING TRY IT!! I LIVE WITH MY AND IM NOT AFRAID TO TELL HER EVERYTHING!" Moomin snapped back, and the two stared at each other for a second.

Snorkmaiden smiled as she slowly backed off of her bed, keeping her finger pointed to the other. "Snorkmaiden..." Moomin said in a warning voice, watching her hop off her bed without breaking eye contact.

"Snorkmaiden I swear if you even think about going to tell Snufkin anything I will fucking fight you." Moomin warned although he didn't move from his spot.

Snorkmaiden smirked and she quickly turned around, bolting for her door. "SNORKMAIDEN YOU BITCH-" Moomin yelled, launching himself off her bed before trying to follow Snorkmaiden.

Which ultimately had him falling at least 4 times just trying to get out of her house. "SNORKMAIDEN YOURE NOT EVEN DRESSED I KNOW YOURE NOT GONNA GO OUT WITHOUT BEING PROPERLY DRESSED!" Moomin yelled, although Snorkmaiden wasn't slowing down at all.

Moomin ran after Snorkmaiden who, much to Moomin's dismay actually ran all the way to Snufkin's tent.Snorkmaiden threw open Snufkin's tent, not even bothering to say anything before she did.

I guess after having only about 7 people around your age to be friends with, you tend to get pretty close with the ones your actually friends with.

Now, Snorkmaiden was expecting to see Snufkin asleep or maybe just writing. But what she did see and heard something she wasn't expecting.

Snufkin was pushing My away from himself, practically kicking her and Joxter was was sitting in the corner, reading something or another.

"You're a fucking bottom!" My laughed, getting kicked on the shoulder by Snufkin. "OW!" My hissed, grabbing Snufkin's leg and biting him.

"OW MY! YOU LITTLE BITCH!" Snufkin yelped, pulling his leg away from her.

My stuck her tongue out, before noticing the two standing in front of the tent.

At this point I refuse to reread these to make sure I spelt things right so yeah.

Teacups with extra Sugar {Snufmin}Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz