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~this is a human au so 👌

Warning: Talk of period, trans!Snufkin, lowkey kinda gay

I didn't read over this cause sOME PEOPLE were telling me to post it sO h a h

Reminder: this sucks cause no one was supposed to read it

Snufkin took a shaky breath in. He was at the Moomin household with Little My and he had a.. problem.

You see, My had talked him into staying at the Moomins house with her for a few days. It was going amazing! The Moomins were all so sweet and Snufkin enjoyed every extra second he could get with Moomin.

Little My stayed with doing her own things more then talking to Moomin and Snufkin, which was surprising to Snufkin. My tended to like to stick her nose in things and push them the way she saw it was going.

But she'd been out of what their were doing for the most part.

But today as My, Moomin ,and Snufkin sat on the floor of Moomin's room, playing cards; Snufkin's smile dropped.

"My." Snufkin mumbled, getting the small girl to look up from her cards, twisting her neck a bit cause of the way she was laying. "Yea?" She answered, putting a card down and smirking at Moomin as he glared at her before looking through his stack.

"Um, Problem." Snufkin mumbled again. He didn't want to say what he needed, he wasn't out to Moomin yet. In fact, not even Moominmama knew it.

Little My cocked an eyebrow and looked at him confused. Snufkin glanced down to his in between his crossed legs for a second before looking back at My.

My stared at him for a second and you could practically see the gears turning in her head. "OH-" Little My gasped loudly, making Moomin look up at her as she jumped up.

"Yeah, we'll be right back." My said with a smile to Moomin, pulling Snufkin up to his feet and dragging him out of the room with herself.

"I didn't bring any pads cause your periods usually come a lot later then this but I can go ask Moominmama for one, so I'll be right back." My said, turning around when she finished and heading down the stairs.

Snufkin stood there awkwardly, he was just out of veiw for Moomin and he had nothing to do other then wait for his older sister to get back.

My skipped down the stairs and into the kitchen where Momminmama and Moominpapa were talking. "Moominmama?" My asked, which got both of them to look over. "Yes My?" She answered in that calm and sugary voice she had.

"Do you happen to have and pads? I didn't think I'd need any but here we are." My asked. She wasn't one to get nervous or feel embarrassed when asking for stuff 'she' needed.

"Oh, of course sweetie, they're under the bathroom sink close to the left side." Moominmama said and My nodded.

"Right, thanks!" My said as she turned around and headed back up the stairs. Moomin watched confused as My walked past his door again and stopped with nothing but the edge of her weird nightgown-dress thing in his veiw.

"Yeah, she said they were in the bathroom under the sink. And they're closer to the left." My said and smiled. Snufkin nodded and sighed. "Thanks sis" He said and punched My playfully on the arm.

Moomin scrunched his eyebrows confused as My got back into the room and sat down in front of Moomin, where she sat before. "What was that about My?" Moomin asked as My rolled her eyes.

"It ain't any of your business now is it?" My said in a cocky tone. "If only that worked on you." Moomin mumbled and My stuck her tongue out at him.

"I mean, what the hell is in the bathroom cabinets that's so important??" Moomin waved his hands around making it seem like a bigger deal then it was.

"Things you don't understand jackshit about." My teased the other knowing he wouldn't get the joke since he didn't even know what they were talking about.

Moomin thought for a second trying to remember what all he's seen under that sink and finally gave up. "Well what the hell could it be!? Did he need a comb or something." Moomin said in a mocking tone though he wasn't actually mocking anyone.

My shrugged and Snufkin soon walked into the room, smiling again. "Alright, is it my turn now or does Moomin still need to play his card?" Snufkin asked as he sat down.

"Oh, right, I forgot we were playing." Moomin mumbled, placing a card down after drawing some from the main deck. My rolled her eyes and groaned loudly. "This is boring!" She whined and Snufkin looked down to her, his fingers on the edge of a card, about to play it.

"Well what would you like to do instead My?" Snufkin asked, ready to play the card if she didn't come up with something.

My thought for a second and huffed. "I wanna play Blackjack." She said bluntly. Moomin look at her confused and Snufkin smiled.

"Wouldn't we need a few more people and something to actually trade off if we wanted to do that?" Snufkin questioned, setting his deck on the floor face-down.

"We could get Sniff and-" "My it's Midnight." Moomin rolled his eyes, annoyed. "Whatever." My crosses her arms while huffing loudly, making a big deal out of it as she did.

"And what would we even trade? We don't have money on us." "I don't know, it would've been funnier then this though!" Little my snapped back at Snufkin.

Snufkin put his hands up and chuckled. "Well are we gonna continue playing or are you gonna come up with some other thing that won't work?" Snufkin asked in a cocky voice while My crosses her arms and huffed.

"Well if you wanna act like that imma just go to sleep." My stood from her spot, leaving her cards on the ground and heading to one of the beds in the bunk bed they had sitting in the room.

"Fuck y'all." My stuck her tongue out at the two as she fell onto the top bunk. "My! No, come on I'm bored!" Moomin groaned annoyed and Snufkin just rolled his eyes.

"Yeah what ever, you'll wake up in about an hour because you had a nightmare anyways." Snufkin stated calmly as he stood and stretched.

My flipped off her brother before throwing the cover over her and going quiet. "Well I guess there's nothing else to do but sleep now." Snufkin mumbled, rubbing his eyes.

Moomin sighed and nodded, he was feeling really tired, he just wanted to continue spending time with Snufkin and I guess Little My, yeah he liked her too and whatever.

Moomin stood and waved bye to the two in the room muttering a quick "Night" before closing the door behind him and heading to his room.

"My, I know your not asleep yet." Snufkin sighed, and little My popped her head up. "Well no shit." My rolled her eyes and propped her chin on the back of a hand.

Snufkin opened his mouth to say something but decided against it and just closed it again. "What is it?" My said, looking her brother up and down. Looking at the way he was standing.

It was like he was belittling himself. It was a weird thing to be able to see so easily on Snufkin. It was weird to see him so,, vulnerable.

"What's wrong? You look upset." My said again, pulling herself up into a sitting position. Snufkin shook his head and smiled. "I'm just tired." He said with a small forced smile.

"Ugghh if you're gonna have gross emotions near me at least tell me what's causing them! You're messing with my vibe man." My whines causing Snufkin to laugh a little.

"Yeah, imma just sleep." Snufkin said rolling his eyes and My cocked an eyebrow. "You gotta take of your binder before you sleep." My said, throwing her legs over the side of the bed.

Snufkin groaned and crosses his arms. "But I really don't wanna My." He stated, watching My glare at him. "Just sleep shirtless like you usually do, if you're worried about Moomin I can keep him out till you wake up." My stated and Snufkin smiled.

"Yeah.. thanks sis.." Snufkin smiled and flipped off the light in the room before changing and laying down to sleep.

Teacups with extra Sugar {Snufmin}Where stories live. Discover now