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{I made this edit earlier and idk what I'm doing with my life}

Warning: Mention of titties (I honestly don't think that needs to be a warning but idk man)

Might trigger some dysphoria (hopefully not but hhhh I cant write so-)

The next morning Snufkin woke up to someone knocking on the rooms door. The bed above his creaked and My's head popped up. "What do you want!?" My yelled out, probably forgetting they were at the Moomin house.

"Well that was rude!" Moomin yelled back, opening the door. My stuck her middle finger out at Moomin who flipped on the light.

My groaned and put her hands over her eyes while Snufkin sat straight up and hissed like a fucking cat, shielding his eyes from the light.

"Oh, y'all are overreact—" Moomin's voice trailed off and he was silent for a second before he was back out of the room and the door slammed shut behind him.

Snufkin rubbed his eyes carefully, trying to let them adjust to the sudden light. "What just happened?" My questioned, throwing her legs over the side of the bed and pushing herself to the edge.

Snufkin shrugged and blinked his eyes open, looking around the room. If he was any taller he would've banged his head in the underside of the top bunk.

He looked up at My's legs as the dangled down, blocking a bit of the light from his eyes.

The room was oddly chilly as the small breeze from the fan sitting on the floor near the bed was on high. They put it out seeing as it got surprisingly warm at the Moomins during Summer.

Snufkin sat as the chilly wind hit his skin every once and a while before leaving and coming back around, hitting
skin once again. It feels so cool..

wait a minute..

Snufkin opened his eyes. "Wait a minute.." Snufkin mumbled. "What was that?" My asked through a yawn. Snufkin looked down and saw the cover laying on his lower body, covering his thighs and legs while his chest stayed exposed.

"Oh shit." Snufkin mumbled, flopping down onto the bed, covering himself up with the cover. My hopped off of the bed she sat on and looked at her brother confused.

"What? Are you ok?" My asked in a slightly worried tone. Snufkin simply mumbled a few curses and clenched the cover over his body, curling up on himself.

My looked carefully at her brother. "Oh shit, do you think he saw.." My's voice trailed off, and she just sighed, not knowing what to say.

There was an awkward silence that loomed over them for a second. "I'm gonna go down stairs." My states as she turns around. She didn't know what to do but decided might as well let Snufkin be alone.

It was a random thought but Snufkin tended to like to be alone so My decided that maybe it was one of those times.

My left the room and closed the door softly behind her, instantly turning around to go down the stairs. But right before My was about to head down she turned around again, seeing the bathroom light on and the door open.

My walked to the bathroom seeing Moomin sitting crossed legged on the toilet seat, staring down at the floor. "Moomin." Moomin flinched at the sound of his name, his head jerking up to look at My.

"I-" Moomin looked confused as he tried to figure out what to say. "Did..." He tried to get words out without it sounding, not that he thought it was, rude.

"Snufkin... um.. titties?" Moomin's voice was laced in confusion and My rolled her eyes. "Why... chest??" It was obvious Moomin was beyond confused. "Shut the fuck up and let's go eat breakfast, I'm hungry." My said, turning around and leaving with Moomin soon following behind her.

Moomin slowed down and looked at the door of the room Snufkin was in before continuing down the stairs.

"Good morning, Moomin, My." Moominmama said in a sweet voice as the two sat down at the table with Moominpapa sitting at the head of it. "Morning mama." Moomin mumbled.

"Where's Snufkin?" She asked, placing pancakes onto a few plates to hand out. "He's still asleep, he wasn't feeling to well." My piped up instantly, staring at the pancakes on her plate as Moominmama sat them down in front of her.

"Oh, well does he need any of Grandma's recipes?" Moominmama asked worried about the green boy. "No, he's just not feeling the best right now, he'll be fine soon." My said, poking at the pancake with her fork before finally cutting into it.

"I don't understand! His chest has always been flat but it was like...he had a girls body!" Moomin ranted to Snorkmaiden, the two sitting in an empty field. "Well, what if he does." Snorkmaiden said calmly, picking another flower and weaving the stem in with the others to continue her flower crown.

"What?" Moomin asked in an overly confused voice. "Well, what if he's trans." Snorkmaiden said calmly again, Moomin's eyes widened.

"What?? How come you thought that up!?" Moomin asked. Snorkmaiden rolled her eyes, setting the flower crown down on her thigh. "I swear Moomin, you're denser than a boulder!" She huffed, wiping some of her light blond (almost platinum) hair away from her face.

Moomin just looked at her confused. "If Snufkin was trans it'd make sense why you said he had a chest. And shouldn't you be knocking before just opening doors!?"

Moomin stayed silent, he didn't have a really good reason for why he opened the door without asking. He just wasn't really thinking much.

"Trans.." Moomin muttered slightly. "I swear you must need to learn to knock." Snorkmaiden ranted. She was probably talking this entire time and he was just spacing out to much. 

"Yeah, yeah." Moomin groaned, laying back into the grass.

Teacups with extra Sugar {Snufmin}Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum