Can we do it again?

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The next few days were kind of awkward around Snufkin and Moomin. They still hung out of course, but there was some sort of unspoken agreement to not talk about what happened, even though both wanted to.

Little My didn't know what was happening and it was driving her crazy. She continually asked about why it felt weird with them but neither would answer her, that was until..

Snufkin was sitting in his tent, washing his binder while Moominmama had decided she was gonna wash his clothes for him. Snufkin also came out to her and she nodded and was pretty unphased by it.

He was given some of Moominpappa's old clothes to wear since he didn't really have all that much with him. It was kinda similar to what he normally wore except the shirt was a deep red. A color Snufkin would've never thought Moominpappa to wear.

Snufkin rinsed off his binder in the small tub of water he had before wringing it and hanging it up to dry. He had to admit he felt pretty weird without it on but it did need to be washed and he'd been wearing it to much without taking many breaks recently.

And as Snufkin was stretching, he was joined by his older sister. Snufkin looked down before being grabbed by the collar of the shirt and dragged down to the others level.

"My you're gonna fucking choke me-" Snufkin hissed out, almost falling over as he was pulled to his sisters side. "What the fuck has been going on with you and Moomin??" My questioned, staring Snufkin in the eyes.

"I agree, you and that Moomin kid have had tension all over y'all when you see eachother." My and Snufkin's heads snapped up to the tree in which Snufkin's tent was set beside, seeing Joxter laying on a branch in the tree above them.

"We both wanna know, so spill." My demanded, letting go of Snufkin's shirt allowing him to stand up right again. "Ok, ok, calm down." Snufkin complained, feeling his cheeks heat up just thinking about what happened the other night.

"You're blushing! What did y'all do!?" My gasped, saying the second part as if she was accusing him of something. "Shut up My! We kissed ok!" Snufkin spoke quickly and his face went a deeper shade of red.

My gasped and she grinned. "I fucking knew it!" My said and clapped her hands. "Ohhh, so are you two together yet?~" Joxter's voice was teasing as he hung upside down on a branch.

"Shut the fuck up dad or so help me I will-" "Ok! Jeez, just a question." Joxter said putting his hands up on both sides of his head.

"So y'all really aren't together yet?" My groaned and rolled her eyes. "You two are absolutely helpless." She sighed and kicked Snufkin lightly on the leg.

"We haven't talked about it since it happened." Snufkin admitted, pulling at the shirt he had on, trying to hide his chest the best he could. When he looked back up, My was staring at him dumbfounded.

"YOU HAVNT TALKED ABOUT YOU TWO KISSING!?" My yelled and Snufkin quickly shushed her, seeing as Moomin, Sniff, and Snorkmaiden were probably close in some way.

"Damn son, when me and Mymble first kissed the first thing we did was-" "Ew dad, I don't wanna hear about it." Snufkin groaned. "Yea, please don't talk about my mom you weird rat man." My scrunched up her face in a disgusted way.

"Hey! We're engaged!" Joxter exclaimed, looking at My. "Ew, she could do better." My snapped back before looking back at Snufkin. Joxter had a mix of sadness and annoyance on his face.

"Look at me Snufkin." My ordered and Snufkin complied, honestly scared of the small Mymble. "You're gonna see Moomin, y'all are gonna talk about it and it's probably gonna happen again cause y'all are both gay as hell for each other." My spoke clearly except for the last part, saying it fast and mumbled more to herself.

"Ok, ok!" Snufkin replied, crossing his arms. "I don't even know if I'm gonna see him today." Snufkin said, hoping he could sneak his way out of this somehow.

"Don't you fucking try me." My said, pointing at Snufkin and placing her finger in between his collarbones. "I was just saying I'm not completely sure we're gonna-"

Snufkin sighed lightly, he should really stop trying to one-up Little My ok things

Snufkin sighed, he should really stop trying to one-up My on things. Or get out of anything she plans. There him and Moomin sat, in a field absolutely covered in flowers.

Apparently it's somewhere My takes Snorkmaiden sometimes. Who would've thought My could be romantic in any way.

Moomin was sitting next to Snufkin, peacefully making a flower crown. The first thing Moomin always did when there were tons of flowers near by would be to make a flower crown for whoever he was with.

Snufkin had his pipe in his mouth and was watching flowers dance in the wind. He was laying back on his elbows. It was silent other then leaves rushing in trees but it was calmer then it'd been in a while.

Although the weird tension that hadn't left since that night was still looming over the two. Snufkin blew out a small cloud of smoke before deciding to speak up.

"So um..." Snufkin broke the silence, and Moomin hummed in return to show that he was listening. "About,, the other night." That was all it took for Moomin's pale face to turn a light pink.

"Y-yeah..?" Moomin answered, his voice was soft and seemed a little shaky. "Was the... kiss..did.." Snufkin cursed himself for not knowing what to say, feeling his face heat up. "Did you.. mean the kiss..?" Snufkin finally said.

It's not what he meant to say, and he was pretty sure this wasn't what My meant but at least he was actually talking about it in anyway. "Mean the kiss..?" Moomin's voice was confused although he did know what Snufkin meant.

Snufkin wanted to explain what he meant but he couldn't find what he wanted to say. "Did.." Snufkin groaned before taking a deep breath in. "Was it something that just randomly happened, or did you.. mean it." Snufkin said, sitting up and staring down at his legs.

"I..." Moomin blushed, rubbing the back of his neck awkwardly. "I guess I meant it." Moomin said and Snufkin blushed deeply, sitting up straighter. "Wait, really??" Snufkin sputtered out, looking at Moomin who nodded and began toying with the stem of loose flowers around him.

"Well I mean, I might not have realized what I was doing but I it's not like I wouldn't do it agai—" Moomin cut himself off, realizing what he was saying. Moomin's face turned redder then Snufkin had ever seen it.

"You'd... do it again?" Snufkin asked, his hands feeling the rim of the red shirt he wore. Moomin covered his face in embarrassment and made a weird noise before nodding.

"Then.. can we?" Snufkin asked quietly. He couldn't lie, he wanted to. Moomin looked at his own hands nervously before nodding another time.

Snufkin glowed red, he wasn't expecting it to go like this. "R-really?" Snufkin muttered out, and Moomin set the flower crown carefully off of his lap.

And while Snufkin was still shocked, Moomin leaned over an grabbed the collar of the taller ones shirt, pulling him in and crashing their lips together.

It was another quick kiss, but it was definitely longer than the last one. Both of the boys were stunned for a second before Moomin started to laugh lightly.

Snufkin raised an eyebrow at him, but couldn't help the smile spreading on his face. "And why are you laughing??" Snufkin asked although he couldn't help but have to hold back laughs.

"It's just funny how fucking long I've wanted to do that."

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