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Excuses and 'we tried.'
Yoonmin date part 2


Jimin wasn't upset. He was only slightly bothered by the fact that the universe decided to ruin his life. 
He knew Yoongi was going his best and that's what really mattered. But he was a little sad.

He tried not to let the feeling linger in the air as they entered the cute car Jimin loved so much. Not only because it was Yoongi's but also because the color was so pretty. He needed to convince Yoongi to let him drive it one day.

" So, where are we going? " Jimin asked,  his voice higher and a little childish like. Because he already told Yoongi all about his dream date, that meant they were supposed to go to the karaoke first.

" Don't you want to be surprised ?" The blue-haired smiled,  looking at him briefly. " Maybe I'm taking you to a circus " he finished nonchalantly. He was still smiling though,  which gave away that he was only joking.

" I heard 'Cirque Du Soleil ' is actually hiring so we might have a chance to get into that. The kitten and the handsome trainer. I can already see it"
Jimin giggled, happy to see Yoongi crack up next to him. The atmosphere was already a lot lighter.

The car ride went on for another 10 minutes in which Yoongi constantly checked the GPS, his frown deepening with each passing second. It was amusing to watch, but also a little concerning.

" I might be a little lost. The only karaoke I found nearby had some ...unclear directions " he eventually admitted,  not even making eye contact with Jimin. He was probably ashamed that he couldn't follow some easy directions displayed on the screen.

Jimin didn't get mad. He only touched his hand softly, trying to comfort him. "It's okay, can I take a look ?" He asked kindly, taking Yoongi's phone from the holder after he nodded in agreement.

Jimin looked at the screen, making sure the place was typed in properly, then noticed something else when he returned to the Google page.

There was a reason why the boy couldn't find the place. They've been driving in circles for the last few minutes because the coordinates they had were nonexistent.

" Yoon ...the place we are looking for had been taken down two years ago. They built a building on top of it after it closed.  " He explained, almost smiling when Yoongi deadpanned.

  " I'm so awful at dates! I swear I'm like a bad luck charm ." Yoongi said,  upset with himself. He sounded so disappointed that Jimin almost considered stopping the car to hug him.

" Let me decide that after today,  okay? ". He decided on saying, voice soft.

Jimin wasn't going to give up. He was going to get his happy ending, even if he had to build that stupid karaoke place from scratch. " I know another place," he said excitedly when he remembered about a place Hoseok told him about a while back.  " You're going to love it " he added, smiling brightly. He hoped at least since he never saw the location himself.

He quickly googled it to make sure he remembered the address and smiled to himself when he found out it was only 5 minutes away. " Take right on  Cornwell street then you'll see it " he announced,  clapping his hands when the building appeared in front of them. It was beautiful.

𝑩𝑳𝑼𝑹𝑹𝒀 𝑽𝑰𝑺𝑰𝑶𝑵✰𝒕𝒂𝒆𝒌𝒐𝒐𝒌 𝒕𝒆𝒙𝒕𝒊𝒏𝒈 𝒂𝒖Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя