text 37🌿written

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𝙔𝙤𝙤𝙣𝙢𝙞𝙣 𝙙𝙖𝙩𝙚 - 𝙥𝙖𝙧𝙩 𝙤𝙣𝙚


As every textbook says, if something goes wrong,  everything else will go the same way.  From the abundant rain to not finding the perfect flowers for Jimin, Yoongi learned that the hard way.

Sure, some may say: "  When life gives you lemons, make lemonade," but what if Jimin doesn't like lemonade? If he decides he never wants to talk to lemonade ever again because it's too bitter? What if he likes orange juice more? Yoongi was a little obsessed in making sure he wasn't going to let him down. Not with the date or with anything else involving it. Because Jimin was the only person who managed to put up with him, who understood his bad jokes and who didn't judge him for liking Jonas Brothers a little too much.
Jimin was just - different.

His plan was simple. Call the weatherman and ask him if he can make some sun shine through the clouds and somehow stop the rain ...which failed for obvious reasons.  And then was plan B. Call the one and only Jungkook who even though is terrible at planning dates, still always manages to give stellar advice. He was left with no choice than to call his best friend.  If that didn't work, the Russians would be happy to use their weather machine to help him. (He also might've watched too much Stranger Things for his good.)

"You should make a checklist, " Jungkook suggested, voice breathy through the speakers.  He had some free time before face-timing Taehyung about some show they both liked.

Yoongi laughed, opening his notes app to look at one of the old shopping checklists that he forgot about. Being organized was never something he shined at.

" You know that's not going to work for me ...plus I'm sure I won't need it," he answered, looking around for a pair of matching socks. He still needed to decide on a vintage enough outfit to wear without looking like a buffoon.  Jungkook said that was impossible with a face like his and Yoongi hissed but let it go. His hair was blue, after all.

" Just wear a blazer and a funky tie, I'm sure he's going to love that, " Jungkook said, cheery. " He probably doesn't even care about what you wear as long as it's not your grandpa's."

Yoongi looked at the handed down beige suit laid on the bed,  and quickly threw it on the floor.  " Haha..why would I want to wear something from my grandpa? " he asked in fake disbelief.  " Anyway ...I think I found an alternative for those fancy roses he wanted," he said,  changing the subject.

Jungkook let out a laugh. " Is it that hard to find coral roses? " he teased. Yoongi forgot why they were friends sometimes.  " He wanted petite roses, shut up," he fired back, amused. Jungkook was many things, but funny wasn't one of them.

" But I did order some flowers that should arrive any minute now," he added, smiling when the bell rang. It was either the flowers or the pizza he ordered. Hopefully, the flowers.

Standing at his door, was a middle-aged man holding a flower bouquet.  They were coral and pretty but definitely not roses.  " Thanks," he blurted, taking the flowers after signing the form. Was he supposed to do now? Maybe doing a checklist was worth a try.

" Kook, I still don't have the outfit," he complained,  throwing himself on the bed for a dramatic effect. " And I should leave in an hour," he added, closing his eyes.

Jungkook sighed but didn't say anything for a moment. " You have that new white button-up that you can pair with some corduroy pants or suit pants and that cool rectangle tie you have from your dad, " Jungkook said, making Yoongi gasp. Jungkook knew his closet better then he did. That was scary and cool at the same time.

" That's why I love you," he answered sweetly,  happy that he had the answers to a few of his problems now. He quickly assembled the desired outfit, delighted to notice that everything fitted together. 

He had almost everything done. The flowers, the outfit, and the polaroid- he forgot about the polaroid.  He quickly decided to end the call, trying to focus on the task he had to achieve next. Convincing his sister to let him borrow her favorite yellow camera - the one she had bought with her own money.  It was going to be taught.

Before knocking on her door,  he noticed it was cracked open. She wasn't in the room,  but the camera was resting on her desk. He decided to leave a note.

" I took the camera, but I'll give you 20 $ if you don't kill me :)
Love you,  sis ♡ "

And with that,  he had everything ready just in time to pick Jimin up. He checked his retro outfit once more into the mirror,  fixing his tie.

" Be there in 10," he quickly texted Jimin, getting into his baby blue car and driving fast but carefully to the familiar address.

His heart was beating fast in anticipation as he rang the doorbell,  flowers in his arms.  Jimin looked stunning as usual,  his hair matching the pink flowers extremely well.

" Kitten, hi, " Jimin greeted all smiley. He took the flowers and put them in some water before returning to Yoongi. " Do you have the polaroid? I want to take a picture before we go, " Jimin said, holding out a hand to receive the device.

" How could I not? It's right here," Yoongi said,  giving him the camera proudly.

Jimin smiled at it, touching it carefully before frowning slightly.  " Yoon ...darling,  where is the film for the pictures? " he asked, confused.

" The film? You mean the white paper things ?" He asked,  cursing to himself silently. " Were they important ?" He asked,  scratching his neck.

Jimin let out a laugh. " Only if we wanted to actually take pictures," he answered,  amused.  Yoongi didn't know if he wasn't upset or if he was very good at hiding it. 

" I'm sorry...I had no idea how the camera actually works . It's my sister's," he said apologetically. 

"It's alright,  don't worry about it, " Jimin said, patting his back.  Yoongi have him a little smile,  but all he could think about was that he failed. The date didn't even start, and he already blew it.

A clap of thunder broke the silence, and Yoongi bit his lip. It was going to be just great.

                                                                 ━━━━━━ 🌿━━━━━━

To all of you who actually read my book ..I just want to say thank you 🥺💕 I can't believe this book got to 5.7 k views, and I'm so grateful you don't hate me for all the inconsistent updates. 💗
I love you all,
So much
M 🌼

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