text 11

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[9:34 am]

@yoongles :
so this
kid texted me

begging me to tell you

to text him

@crispycooks :
what? oh shit😤

@crisycooks :
he texted
you too?

I already got10 texts
just about that

@yoongles :

you gotta give it to him

for the effort

pfff he only

wants to win

he's playing dirty

@yoongles :
"all is fair
in love and war "

@yoongles :
which case is here ?

@crispycooks :
hate obv

@crispycooks :
and stop quoting people

@crispycooks :
its weird

@ yoongles: no, it's not.

are u gonna
text him after all?
He seemed nice

@crispycooks :
never in a million year

@crisycooks :
I'm tired of his stupid texts🙄

@crisycooks :
and his jokes

@yoongles :
really ?

@yoongles :
doesn't sound like it

it does

@crisycooks :
the only reason
I texted him back was
cause I was bored

@yoongles :
so you don't care about him?

not even a little? 🧐
I know you, kook
You enjoy talking to him

@crispycooks :
I don't.

@crispycooks :
I want to win.

@crispycooks :
and never get
another text from him:)

okay kook

@yoongles :
but if he texts
me one more time

@yoongles :
I'm giving
him ur number

no , 're not

@ yoongles :
😏u sure ?

@crispycooks :

@crispycooks :
maybe I'll text him

@crispycooks :
but I hate u with all my heart

@yoongles : love ya too kid

Seen at 10:14 pm

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