text 30🎬written

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You know those romance movies where everything works out perfectly in the end ? The date , the kiss and the happy ending. Everything you ever wanted .

Taehyung seriously started to doubt that happy ending everyone talked about . There was simply not enough luck in the world for everyone .

The time was ticking by and he was getting tired of waiting like a fool in front of the cinema. The movie probably started already and he wasted his money for nothing. That and a lot of precious time out of his life .

He wanted to go home and pretend this never happened...but he couldn't. His legs didn't want to leave until Jungkook made an appearance. Liking someone was hard .

Is he there yet?

Are you alright? 💞

Taehyung sighed to himself, looking up from his phone . Jungkook was already 15 minutes late.

@tea2hot : no and no ...

@minniemouse :
I'm killing him 💕🥺

@tea2hot :
Don't bother, it's not worth it😤

" I'm sorry for being late" a voice suddenly said, making Taehyung drop his phone on the ground. His day was going so well. " What do you want? " he asked annoyed, picking his now cracked phone from the floor. At least it was just the screen protection.

" Taehyung...can you look at me? " Jungkook asked, a little hesitant.

Taehyung looked up, his angry expression softening after a moment.

" Look who decided to show up " Taehyung said, bitterly.

He got up from the ground, not liking the height advantage Jungkook had over him.

" I know ...but in my defense you didn't announce me beforehand" he said, folding his arms.

Taehyung gave him a fake smile. " Okay " he accepted, simply. " Let's just go inside before the movie ends " he added, taking his hand to guide him.
It was unnecessary, but he still felt the desire to do it.

Jungkook didn't take his hand back. It was surprising coming for someone who didn't even want to be on a date with him, but Taehyung decided to let it slip.

" What movie are we watching? " Jungkook asked as they took their seats in silence.

They were sitting in the last row, giving them a good view of the screen.

" Moana" He answered, a little smile on his face." They are doing a rescreening and it's my favorite movie so I had to see it again " he added, a little too quietly. He forgot he should be upset at him.

Jungkook smiled, looking at the screen. The way Moana found the seashells when the sea just split apart for her to pick them...the way she found the green heart but threw it back into the ocean. It was a good movie choice.

His phone vibrated in this pocket, a few minutes into the movie, letting him know that his friends were checking on him.

@nr1handsome :
how's it going?

did you kiss yet ? 😘

as if 🤦‍♂️...more like

did you two hold hands?

Nope to all that😒

He really hates me

Taehyung looked at Jungkook typing on this phone in disbelief. Was he really texting someone else while on a date with him? Should he even be surprised?

He decided not to confront him about it, instead choosing to follow his example and cry to Jimin about his horrible date.


he is TEXTING someone rn🗿

should I just leave and see if he notices? 😪

Actually, you should

@minniemouse :
Teach the bitch a lesson 💕

Taehyung smiled to himself at the idea. It seemed a lot more fun than being ignored. He finally had a plan.

" Koo..I'm going to the bathroom " he announced, getting out from his seat. He tried to not be bothered by the way Jungkook didn't even blink. He was still typing shit on his phone.

" Fuck you " he whispered, getting into the bathroom and closing the door behind him.

@tea2hot: you are unbelievable...

@tea2hot: I'm going home

@crispycooks: wait ...

Jungkook looked up from his phone, noticing Taehyung was gone. He was so focused on talking in the group chat that he forgot where he was for a second. He was so extremely fucked.

He ran out of the cinema, looking around for the boy. The boy he treated badly. The boy he didn't want to admit he liked even though he did.

@crispycooks :
Tae..I know im the worst

But please give me a chance to explain

He checked the bathroom, hearing some sounds coming from one of the stalls.

" Tae? Are you in here ? " he asked, and the noise immediately stopped. That was his answer.

" I know I treated you horribly ...and I'm sorry for that " he started, getting closer to the stall. " I'm just not used to people actually caring for me ..I wasn't even sure you cared until today ".

It was true. Taehyung treated everything like his little game. How was he supposed to know that he meant anything more than a laugh to him?

" So you either have two choices. You can ignore me and never text me again...or you can get out and let me take you on another date " he said, a little smile on his face. " I'll buy you ice cream " he added.

There was silence for a few seconds. Jungkook knew it needed a little time to think, so he waited until he was going to answer...if he was going to answer.

A few minutes passed and the older clearly didn't want him there. He wasn't going to stay and make him feel trapped inside a bathroom. He wasn't horrible.

"I'll just go " Jungkook said, turning around to leave.

The stall door opened.


Was this any good?
I don't know....but I kept on putting it off because I was a little nervous of actually writing in this book, but here it is :)
Hope you enjoyed it 💕🦋
Thank you for the support
Love, M 🌼

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