28: lover

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Taehyung exited his room after he fitted the outfit for the wedding. He felt pretty in it. But knowing it was for the wedding with zhang he rather not look pretty at all.

He would even show up in a trash bag just to make the wedding fail.

He walked into the garden ready seeing the young king on a bench looking at the clouds.

Taehyung sighed and made his way over there.

"oh hello Taehyung. You look stunning"

"i know" taehyung said and sat down next to zhang keeping a meter distance. It was the most space he could get from the bench

"i can't wait, in two days i will marry you. I will have Xudora and Mabetha, isn't that amazing." zhang said and chuckled.


"ah, come on why so far" zhang scooted closer only for the prince to lean away.

This time jungkook wasn't there to interrupt the pushy annoying Zhang.

Zhang looked at taehyung and grabbed his hand.

"come on Taehyung, kiss me like you did with that annoying guard. Love me, love your future husband" he said inching closer.

Taehyung stood up trying to pull his hand back. "no, let go of me"

"not until you did as i want" zhang said pulling him closer. He wanted to kiss the Prince. Taehyung pushed the young King's chest looking away.

"don't do that. Stop!"

"i will be your king Taehyung!" zhang said stern and grabbed taehyung's chin. He was getting really annoyed by the Prince.

He leaned forward when suddenly the blase of a sword came in front of his eyes..

"the prince doesn't want to be touched" a voice said.

Zhang looked at the side and scoffed annoyed letting go of taehyung.

On the other side was taehyung whose eyes widen. His heart racing in his chest.

Because his handsome raven haired Knight was back. Looking tall and strong as always.

"j-jungkook" he said and walked to him hugging him tightly. Jungkook lowered his sword giving Zhang a glare while he wrapped one arm around taehyung hugging his prince back.

"i missed you so much, where were you?" taehyung asked.

Jungkook watched zhang leave while mumbling something. Then he stroked taehyung's hair and put his sword away having both hands.

"i was doing something"

"like what? I was worried that you left me for good" taehyung said and wiped his eyes. He had started crying from all the emotions he felt when he saw Jungkook.

Even if it was only three days passed it felt like forever for the Prince.

"i was getting something for you....you will love it. Im sure of it." Jungkook said and caressed taehyung's cheek smiling so lovingly at him.

"and dont worry. I will never leave you. Not even the king can separate us"

"i love you so much Jungkook" Taehyung said leaning into the touch of the knights hand on his cheek.

"i love you too tae" jungkook smiled and then pulled taehyung in a warm kiss. The prince grabbed the knights uniform jacket pulling him closer. He wanted jungkook as close as possible. That he even lifted himself and straddled jungkook.

Feeling jungkook's arm wrap around his waist as they tilted their heads deepening the kiss.

Taehyung's hands went through jungkook's raven locks.

Then they parted, staring into eachothers eyes with such a soft expression and so much love.

This was real love.

Nothing was forced.

These two belonged together.

"i want to marry you Jungkook" taehyung whispered. The knight smiled wider.

"i want to marry you too" jungkook responded.

"will you be by king?"

"if you will be my queen..." jungkook lifted a brow and grinned.

"then thats a yes" taehyung chucked and pecked jungkook's lips again. "if i can't marry you, i will leave the palace. I won't marry anyone else that isn't you"

"and i won't let anyone order me to leave you again." Jungkook placed his face in taehyung's neck calming down.

Taehyung was beautiful, caring, calming, sweet, and having such a heartwarming smile. Jungkook will protect the prince no matter what. Is isnt letting zhang touch him ever again.

Because jungkook knew that zhang was a bad person. He was after power. He was the one that ruined taehyung's life.

"he killed your mother Tae" jungkook said as carefully he could.

"who?" taehyung asked with a slight frown.

"zhang...He killed your mother."


"i was there when it happened. I saw him do it. He betrayed us all. After that he killed his father." Jungkook said and held taehyung's hand. "he wanted power. His father didn't die of a disease, he killed him."

"zhang did all that?..For what..."

"power it's always power"

"i hate him now even more"

Taehyung said. Did his father know this? He hoped not if it was he will be deeply disappointed and hurt by his father.

"don't be sad now, i got you a present"

"really, what is it?" taehyung asked. He wanted to forget what jungkook told him for now and be happy. So he immediately took the bait.

"well as i said earlier i went to find you something." Jungkook reached for his bag and put it on the bench opening it.

He had a brown box.


"what is inside?" taehyung asked curious as he took the box.

"just open it" jungkook chuckled.

Taehyung bit his lip excited as he opened the lid. He gasped at what he saw. Inside was a white glowing flower with white glisters floating around it.

"mooncryst!" he said happy and looked at it. "a real one!"

"yup, i got it for you" jungkook said looking at his happy prince. He had said that he would get him one of the flowers one day. And today he fulfilled his words.

"thank you so much, i love it. This means a lot to me" taehyung said and closed it again before giving Jungkook a kiss.

"im glad"

"i'm going to talk to dad"

"want me to leave or-"

"you will come with me. He may not want you as my guard..." taehyung paused looking up at jungkook "But i want you with me as my lover"


A longer chapter again, i feel proud being able to write my normal amount again.

Expect lot of updates because im trying to finish this story!

See u at the next chapter :)


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